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I can't believe you... You have no respect for me. First you want to order me around and then you want to come in here and love all over me. What's your deal?

I finally let go of my anger but I still feels irritated so I huff and walk over to the sink and brush my teeth but my stomach feels funny now that I've puked so much.

I just don't like you teleporting all the time and using you talents all the time then you smelt different and I couldn't figure out why so it had me irritated. I wasn't trying to be a dick I was just trying to sort shit out. What's wrong with you? You look like you're in pain.

You could've just asked and I would've told you. You saw how big Destin got so you should've known something happened. And yes something is wrong. My stomachs bothering me.

He frown robbing his stomach then walks over to me.

Maybe we ate something bad because mines hurting to.



I'm worried about taking Century to his father.

We walk to our bed with his arm over my shoulder then.

Why sweetie?"

Well, from what I can remember he's very powerful and so is his mate and the things I... Well the other me did we're pretty bad and he may want to fight. They may try to kill me or you.

Look sweetie. For starters, I don't want to control you. I just want us to listen to each others needs and do as we ask each other. As for the father if Century. Well he's going to have to deal with it, one way or another. He can be all powerful but so are you and Destin and I will be to after I change and we seal our bond. Then they'll be the ones with trouble. We can build our own army. Don't you worry about that.

But what if they kill one of us? What if you die Blaze? Who will protect us and love us like you do?

He kisses my forehead rubbing my face gently as we lay there in bed.

I'm not going to die sweetie but you'll always have Destin to protect you and love you. He's never going to walk away from my family. I promise you that.

Destin. Really? That's a funny thought. Him with children.

We both laugh lightly as I snuggly in to his chest.

Sleep well sweetie.

He says kissing my forehead so I look up and kiss him.

Goodnight honey. I love you.

He smiles and kisses me lightly.

Me to sweetie.

I frown and put my head down but he doesn't realize the pain he's caused me. I've had two children with this guy and he can't even tell me he loves me. What's so wrong with me that I can't even get an I love you from the guy who's children I bare. This wasn't like this before. He was kind and gentle and not a dick. I need my Destin.

Sweetie are you crying?

I hadn't realized my tears had escaped onto his chest. Then a message popped into my mind.

I'm here with you Sugar and I love you always.

I smile telling him I love him to then look at Blaze.

What if my stomachs upset because I'm pregnant again?

I whine but he chuckles then rubs my belly.

Then this time well wait to have the baby and enjoy being pregnant for a while. Then you'll get on some kind of birth control because you get pregnant to damn easy.

He wipes my tears away as we both laugh but Destin messages me.

You better be joking. That shit not funny.

I continue my giggles as I snuggle in.

I love you, goodnight.

I say one last time before closing my eyes to go to sleep but Destin and Blaze both respond

I love you to Sugar. Goodnight.

Destin says silently but Blaze kisses my forehead.

Love you to sweetie. Sleep well.

His words thrill me causing my body to warm up so he tosses the cover but now I can't help but think of how happy I am. He actually said it. He does love me. Then I hear him lightly snoring but I have a need and I want my mate. That's when Destin opens the door and waves me to him. I wiggle myself away before duplicating myself next to Blaze then teleport over to Destin. I know this it's wrong but He is my true mate and he has claimed me already. We quickly but quietly teleport to his apartment.

Are you sure Blaze will stay asleep?

I ask as I start to look but he kisses me making me forget about everything. I quickly pull myself into his embrace remembering the love I felt for him before but how I pulled away from him as well. I do feel rotten about this but I know my path is with him so I know what I must do.


Thanks for reading.


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