Two mouths

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"Can you come over. Maybe stay. For good. Because I am literally in no position to be by myself right now." I barely let out because of the hiccups from crying.

"Of course. I'm on my way right now. I'm going to drive with Zayn so you can have a car too, okay?"

"The doors unlocked." I say hanging up.

I sit on my bed thinking about Niall.
What he's doing.
Why he left.
Why he keeps doing the things he says he wouldn't.

I look down at my phone. I haven't gotten a phone call or text from him.

*7:16 am*

"Of course." I think to myself. I wipe the tears from my eyes as my hiccups stop.

Mary walks into my room, hands full with bags.

"Um are you in the position to help me with these bags?" She chuckles as she struggles.

I walk past her and outside to the car. I grab the rest of the bags out of the car, and walk back into my house and down to my room.

I help her put away the clothes she brought. "So what do you wanna do today?" I sigh.

"We could go get Starbucks and go to the mall maybe. Or go get something to eat. You choose." She says while shrugging.

I pick out Niall's red uni jumper- that he gave to me because they got his size wrong- some ripped jeans and my black toms.

"I guess we'll just wing it." I say while taking my hair out of the bun and fluffing it out.

"One thing I didn't miss was your hair being perfect. Stop." Mary laughs while putting on her shoes.

I grab Niall's keys a walk outside to the car as Mary follows.

"Sunday funday." Mary smiles while clapping.

"Yeah. 'Sunday funday.'" I say in my head as I pull out of the driveway.


"So what do you wanna do now?" Kendall says as we lay on her bed.

"I don't know. I should get going soon." I say looking at the time.

"Why? Just stay here with me all day please." She jokingly pouts.

"Courtney's probably worried about me. I should probably go see her." I blurt out.

Kendall sits up from the bed and glares at me.

"Obviously you aren't worried about her. So why should it matter? I'm pretty sure she's with Liam right now anyways. I bet he's giving her something you haven't." She chuckles.

"Don't act like number one 'boyfriend' or whatever she calls you. Because remember at my text, you came here. In HER car. No matter the time. You left her to come here and sleep in MY bed, and have sex with ME. So obviously she's a little less important than you make her out to be." She continues, rubbing her thumb on my jawline.

"Don't touch me." I growl and push her hand away.

"Aww Ni are you upset?" She chuckles.

I get off of the bed and start to gather my clothes and put them on. As I grab Courtney's keys Kendall starts to talk again.

"Just know you can't take back this morning. And there's two mouths that know what happened. So if one lies, the other is sure to tell the truth. Remember that."

I'm not looking at her but I know she's half smiling. I walk out or her room and slam the door.

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