The Fight: Chapter 5

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She walks up to the front porch of her house and sees Tom sitting there. "What the fuck are you doing here Tom. I told you it was over and I wasn't joking this time." Folding her arms, glaring at him. Tom says, " Look I know I did wrong by you again but I love you and need you in my life." Just starring at him in disgust, "I've heard this before and I'm not buying it. I'm done this time and I can't go back to what was a dysfunctional and toxic relationship, so why don't you just get the fuck out of here and go to your whore of the week or month or whatever she is." He looks at her foot and hand, than asks her " Are you alright? What happened? Can I at least come in for a little bit, I just want to talk." "No you can't come in and I am asking you to leave or I am going to call the cops." She tells him. Tom begins to rise from the front step he was sitting on and the anger that is rising in him at the fact that she is saying no is starting to take control, he steps towards her "I told you bitch I'm not leaving and we are not done." Tracie backs away but he grabs her shirt and punches her in the face. Stunned she falls backwards, hitting her head on the cement, she tries reaching into her back pocket for her cell phone but he grabs it and throws it into the street.. Then straddling her as she is laying on the ground, feeling dizzy, he begins to choke her. She screams, begging him to stop as one of her neighbors who happens to be a detective looks out the window and sees the commotion, grabbing his off duty revolver, he runs over there. Pulling Tom off of her, he swings at the off duty cop but he ducks and grabs his arm, pushing him to the ground and pinning him there. He then cuffs him and holds onto to him until a radio car arrives.

A few minutes later a black and white shows up, and the two uniform officers take Tom, from Jay. They read him his rights and put him in the back of the car. Tom is yelling at her calling her a bitch and this isn't over yet. All she can do is just sit and watch as the tears roll down her face. "Are you alright Tracie? I called for the paramedics and they should be here soon." Jay Tolbert, her neighbor says to her. Jay is an LAPD Detective with the Special Victims unit. She looks at him, "Yeah I'll be alright I just need an ice pack or something for this eye." She says feeling her eye beginning to swell. "Well." he looks at her neck "your neck is red and starting to swell a little too and you have a gash on your cheek also." Pausing "I don't mean to pry but how long has this been going on Tracie?" She looks down at her hands, "This is the first time he's ever hit me. I mean we've had fights before but not like this. I threw him out tonight, because I couldn't take his cheating on me anymore and especially in my own house." Jay looks at her, "If you need anything you know where to find me. I can help you get an Order of Protection against him. Come see me at my office, tomorrow alright." She can't bring herself to look at him knowing that she lied about it being the first time he has hit her, but nods her head and says, "I will and thank you again." Jay looks at her and says, "Please Tracie, tomorrow because I don't believe that this is the first time either but if it is, I can guarantee you it will not be the last time. I have seen this way too many times in my line of work." She looks up at him, tears falling from her eyes and down her cheeks, as she is rubbing her hands on her knees, not realizing that she is making her hand that she burnt bleed. "Hey." Jay grabs her hands "you're making yourself bleed." Shows her the palm of her burnt hand and she just looks at the blood, with a numb feeling inside of her. He sits next to her in silence, as they wait for the paramedics to show up.

John and Roy are about a block away from the station when they get the call. "Squad 51 are you available?" the dispatcher calls. John picks up the mic and says "Squad 51 available." They put on their helmets as the dispatcher gives them the call. "Woman injured in domestic fight, the address is 1024 Citrus Edge St and the cross street is North Galatea Ave." John writes down the address and information then takes a double take at the address, recognizing it as Tracie's. "Squad 51 10-4" John says into the mic and Roy turns on the sirens and makes a U-turn and heads back toward Tracie's house.

Tracie and Jay are sitting in silence when they hear the siren of the squad in the distance. "I think I hear the paramedics now." Jay says, looking at her. "Thank you for staying with me, Jay. I really appreciate it." She says softly. He puts his hand on her shoulder and gently squeezes it. They just sit in silence until the squad pulls up in front of her house.

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