Surprise Number One Complete: Chapter 61

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  "Did you think I would miss you getting married?" Joanne says to Tracie, as they are getting ready. "Jo, do you know how much this means to have you here with me. Now I have someone who can keep me sane. Or as sane as I'll ever be." Joanne laughs as she finishes getting dressed. "But how did you know?" Tracie asks, realizing after she said it, "Danny and Larry called you guys." Nodding her head, "Of course they did." "Are you going to have a conversation with yourself or are you going to let me answer some of these questions." Tracie laughs nervously, "I'm sorry but I am just so relived you're here." "So tell me how is this all going to happen?" Jo asks. Tracie sits on the bed, looking at her dress. "In my Uncle's restaurant." Joanne sees the look on her face, "What's wrong?" Looks at the dress, "Are you having second thoughts about the dress?" Shaking her head no, "Then what is it?" "Honestly, I don't know? Maybe it's just my nerves. I am literally terrified." Joanne walks to the bed, sits next to her and puts her arm around her friend, "It's normal to be nervous and terrified. I remember when Roy and I got married. I threw up like three times. I was so terrified and you have to remember we were high school sweethearts. But I know Johnny loves you with everything he has. You've changed him and balanced him. He has become a different man since he's been with you." Tracie looks at Joanne as she finishes, "Really you threw up three times." Jo nods her head yes. "And you were terrified, really." Again she nods her head yes. "I know I love him and want to be with him. I do really I do but what if something happened to him while he was on the job. I don't think I could ever live without him. How do you do it?" Joanne looks at her, "I have that fear everyday when Roy leaves for work in the morning but he always comes back to me, a little beat up and bruised but I would never tell him to do something other then be a fireman. He loves his job and I will never take that from him." Pausing she says, "Listen, there is always that possibility of something happening to any one us and you should know that better then anyone." Tracie looks down at her hands as she is fidgeting nervously. "I know that and I would never tell John to do anything other than be a fireman. He loves his job but I guess I'm a little scared since you know my..." trails off. "I know but he's not your dad. You have to trust your heart on this one. Do you want to become Mrs. John Gage or do you want to go your separate ways?" She looks at Joanne knowing the guilt inside of her is making her feel this way, "I love him with everything I have Jo. Of course I want to be Mrs. John Gage. And my heart and head are telling me to marry him." "Good girl, so what are we waiting for, let's get you to your uncle's restaurant." Tracie hugs Joanne and then gets up grabbing her dress and then her shoes, which Joanne says, "Holy shit Jimmy Choo's, extremely expensive." Tracie smiles and says, "They were a gift. And no definitely not from Tom." Joanne laughs and they go into the hallway where they bump into John and Roy.

John is getting ready as Roy says, "You are very calm. I figured you'd be a nervous wreck." "Not today, this is this happiest day of my life. I am marrying the girl of my dreams." Roy looks at him impressed, "John, I am really impressed. I may have been skeptical in the beginning but you've changed since you've been with her." Patting him on the back, "She's been good for me, Roy. She brings the best out of me and I just don't get it Roy?" It's called love, John." Roy says. "Yeah but it's not just that, she just has this way about her that let's me be me. She is beautiful, caring and giving. And she has a vulnerable side to her that just makes her even more irresistible. I've never felt like this before about any woman but I knew when I first saw her though." "I remember John, I think I told you that you were crazy to think you were in love with a woman that you had just met but I was wrong. She has brought something out of you that none of us have ever seen before and yes I agree she has been good for you." Pausing before saying, "You both balance the crazy in each other. But I think it's time to get you married." "Roy thanks. You are truly my best friend and not to sound sappy but I'm glad my best man is here." John says as he gets up and gives him a hug. Then they head out to the hallway where they run into Tracie and Joanne.

"You know you guys shouldn't be seeing each other before getting married, right." Joanne says. As John walks to Tracie, taking her into his arms. She begins to feel her body relax, letting a breath out, knowing that this is exactly what she wants. "I can't wait to be your wife." She whispers in his ear. John smiles and whispers, "I love you gorgeous." Joanne pulls them apart, "Let's go you two. You have plenty of time for this." Roy looks at his wife, "You heard the lady, John." Then winks at his wife as they head down the stairs where Danny and Larry are waiting to bring them to the restaurant.

Kissing her goodbye, he says, "I have a little something for you." Handing her the envelope, "but you have to figure out the clues." He says with a grin, as he turns and walks to Larry's car, getting inside of it and he pulls away. Leaving her standing on the sidewalk, watching it pull away, mumbling "What the fuck." Danny says, "Seems to be a favorite word of yours lately. Let's go, get in the car." She turns and gets into the car. Hitting her brother in the back of the head, "Do you know anything about this little riddle game? And don't you dare lie to me." Danny takes his hand and rubs the back of his head as he says, "T, what the hell was that for. That hurt. It felt like dad hitting me." Joanne is sitting in the front snickering as the siblings argue. "And no I don't know what he's up to. It's not like he asked my permission. And you're lucky I'm your brother and not a cop right now." Shaking her head as she looks at the envelope. "Just open it and see what it says, Tracie." Joanne says.

John is sitting in the front seat of Larry's car when Roy says, "What exactly is in that envelope, John?" "Just a little history lesson on a love story." Larry laughs, shaking his head. "Which will lead her to a little gift and another riddle." John says with a grin. "You know my sister hates riddles, right John?" Larry says as John just grins.

Tracie opens the envelope and reads the clue, "This was the first place we kissed Do you remember where it was?" Nodding her head, she pulls a pen out of her bag and writes the answer down, my living room. Then she reads the rest of the clue, "Do you remember the 2nd time we made love and where?" Writing down the answer, shower and bathroom. "This is where you will find the next clue, and a little present gorgeous.

Danny pulls up to the restaurant and Tracie gets out of the car. "I have to go to the bathroom." Running inside, to the restroom, leaving Danny and Joanne standing outside dumb founded. Once in the restroom of the restaurant, she is looking all over for the next clue and whatever it is her left for her, when she finds a box. Opening the box, she finds the silk scarf he used to tie her hands to the bedpost, along with the next riddle. Wit ha crooked grin on her face, she takes the next riddle out of the box and begins to read it, when Joanne walks in and watches her then says, "So what is with the scavenger hunt clues?" Tracie looks at her, "I have no clue what he's up to but this is a side of him I have never seen. I sort of like it." Joanne arches her right eyebrow, shaking her head, "Well this is a side of John I think none of us have seen before," Tracie begins to read the next riddle, "Tonight the world is ours, as we become TIED to each other for life. Your next gift is waiting for you on the table. See you soon Mrs. Gage" She gets a puzzled look on her face and Joanne walks towards her, taking the paper from her hand and reading it, noticing that the word tied is capitalized and then notices the box with the scarf in it. Shaking her head, she doesn't say a word as Tracie has a wicked grin on her face. "I'll be right back." She heads out to the table where there is another box waiting for her. Picking up the box, she opens it and sees a set of pearls. Putting her hand over her mouth, she takes the note out of the box, reading it. "When I saw these, I thought of you and the possibilities of all the fun we could have with these later." She smiles at the dirty thoughts that are running through her mind as she heads back to the restrooms.

Opening the door, Joanne sees a wicked look on her face. Knowing not to ask she just says, "Let's get you dressed so you can marry this man." Tracie smiles and says, "Help me put these on." Joanne's eyes widen at the site of the pearls as she says, "Holy shit. Did John get those for you?" Nodding her head yes, with a fire in her eyes and look that says, "Hey is going to get very, very lucky."

Joanne finishes helping Tracie get dressed and putting a little makeup on her when she looks at her hair, which is now deeper red deciding to let it flow over her shoulders instead of putting it up. "I think I just want to keep it down, Jo." "I think that's a good idea. It accents you shoulders."

John finishes putting on the dark suit and looks at himself in the mirror when Roy notices that his tie is crooked. "Come here, let me fix that for you." Fixes his tie, "How you feeling Johnny?" "I feel good. I am looking forward to getting married, Roy." John says to him. "And the best part of all this is that we got the house on Chase Street and we can start fresh." Roy smiles and says, "I'm actually really proud of how much you have grown John and that you are settling down with a woman who is just as crazy as you." 

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