Chapter 10

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    I'm honestly not sure why I even bothered coming back to this town. I hate everyone here. Well, except for my parents and Jemma of course. Jemma spent the whole weekend at my house, teaching me how to do makeup and picking out outfits from mama Kim's closet. Callie was going to be chic,sophisticated and the best dressed girl at Wesley High.

    "Goodnight sweet prince," I murmured to each Nicholas Cage sneaker as I placed them back in the box and under my bed.

    While I was becoming Callie, I hadn't had any contact with anyone, except for Jemma, and I had told her not to tell anyone at school I was getting plastic surgery. I shuddered when I thought about what Cara would say if she ever found out.

Perched on my bed with Lokitty in her arms, Jemma filled me in on what the assclowns at Wesley had been saying about me while I was gone: "Mikey  told everyone you died. Cara told everyone you had a breakdown because you finally realized how ugly you were. Ace told everyone you ended up in Area 51 after running out of school, and got abducted by aliens who wanted to study your impressive fat stores."

Jemma is the realest. She never lost her patience with me, and still kept talking even though I shouted

 She never lost her patience with me, and still kept talking even though I shouted

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After every sentence.
On Sunday, Jemma and Callie went shopping for the first time. When I was Kim, I hated going shopping because I could never find anything that a) fit me and b) didn't look like something a middle aged middle school teacher would wear. Not anymore!

    Jemma squealed as she brought out stacks of skinny jeans, all of which looked skinny on me. They fit perfectly, hugging my slim thighs and long legs. I was not nearly as tall as Jemma, but I wasn't short and being skinny made my body look even longer. I got really excited when I saw a bunch of shorts in the store- when I was fat I NEVER wore shorts, not even in my own house.

    As I was trying on a shoulder baring top (which looks amazing on me, might I add,) I heard a familiar, nasal voice outside the changing room.

    "Oh Jemma! It's so good to see you! I forgot you existed because you lost your only friend!"

    Cara Soldera. The bane of my existence. The thorn in my side. The eclipse in my sky. The tangles in my headphones. The extra guacamole charge at Chipotle.

    I opened the door to see Jemma rolling her eyes at Cara and her group of friends, who were wearing identical smirks, and different colors of the off the shoulder top I was currently trying on . Oh hell naw.

    I tried to duck back into the changing room but it was too late, Cara spotted me, and her face twisted into the same look of confusion she wore when someone told her the electoral college was not a university.

"Who are you?"

I hadn't expected to face her so soon, and I froze, thinking about what she had said to me after Dickllon humiliated me.

"This is Callie, Kim's cousin." Said Jemma. "She's a model, and she just got back from a photoshoot in Korea."

    Cara's face changed into an expression I had never seen before- envy? Awe? Constipation?

    "Hi, nice to meet you!" I say softly.

    "Why don't you have an accent?" She asks abruptly, her eyes suspicious.

    "I'm half Korean and half American. I used to live in Korea but I came here to get away from the media attention and have a normal life."

I knew I had got her. She and her Cara-lings were hanging on to my every word.

"Are you really that famous?"

I show her fading scars on my neck and chin from the surgery. "I got these in a car crash when I was trying to escape the paparazzi. My parents sent me to live with Kim's parents so I could have a normal high school experience, since no one here knows who I am."

    I heard murmurs among her friends.

    "Where is Kim?" Grilled Cara.

    I sighed and cast my hazel eyes down, my beautiful shoulders sagging with sorrow. "We don't talk about Kim."

    I see Jemma biting her lip to keep from laughing out of the corner of my eye.

Cara seems satisfied with my answer.

"Nice to meet you Callie. I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow. Feel free to come up and say hi!" She said.

In my head, I was thinking

But I flashed her a wide smile and said "sure Cara! See you tomorrow!"-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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But I flashed her a wide smile and said "sure Cara! See you tomorrow!"

A/N: Tag yourself:

Kim: Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Libra
Callie: Aries, Leo, Cancer, Sagittarius
Nicholas Cage sneakers: Capricorn, Pisces, Aquarius, Gemini

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