The sadistic Italian

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I looked terrified at the men, something told me to not use my sharp tongue against them. But yeah, the fearless bastard I am did anyway.

"Try me.", I whispered to them, with a death glare on. I saw the wicked Italian man laugh and motion for the others to leave the room, I could've sworn I saw the man I still didn't know the name off, give me a pitying look. At this moment, I knew I was fucked.

When everyone was out, Luciano walked towards me with something behind his back. He seemed to be having a Cheshire smile on, which completely terrified me to no end.

He moved his arm from behind his back and a sharp object came into my view, a knife. I looked scared at him, which only seemed to amuse him. He bent down to my level on the ground and moved his knife across my cheek, making a slight gash. It wasn't all too deep, but it did hurt. I gave out a tiny whimper which amused him even more. 

I looked him straight in the eyes as if begging him not to continue. He only chuckled and pulled my training shirt off. He moved the knife all over my chest and stomach, all the while smiling darkly. Then I felt the knife pierce a little through my skin, which made me give out another whimper. I started struggling and tried to get him off of me, but he was too strong for me. I should've worked out more. Scrap that, leave the 'more' out. 

"P-Please, stop!", I said with a cracking voice, tears welled up in my eyes. I looked completely pathetic to him.

"No, Bello~. Bad ragazzi(boys) should be punished~", he whispered into my ear, it sent shivers down my spine. Tears started rolling down my cheeks as I looked up at him in fear.


I was laying on the ground, my chest and stomach full of cuts caused by Luciano. Everything hurt, but all I could do was cry on the ground. Luciano had just left the room, saying something like, "You better not be a bad ragazzo next time.", well, fuck him.

I heard the basement door open once again, but this time the dude with the long hair came in with bandages. I slowly backed away from him, not wanting to be hurt more than I already was.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you....", he said in an awfully quiet voice, I almost didn't hear him. I slowly began to relax a little and stopped moving backwards, since it only brought more pain to me. He slowly moved closer to me and looked my chest and stomach over, he seemed to be giving a frown at it. I swear if he thinks I'm fat-----

"Jeez, Luciano seriously did outdo himself this least the cuts aren't that deep, so it won't scar....", he said with his quiet voice again, he kinda reminded me off...Matthew. It had been such a long time since I've last seen him. I miss him, I miss his pancakes, I miss his polar bear.

He started to bandage me up, but then I passed out.


Yay, another short chapter. I'm not sorry, I just wanted a little more violence ;). Okay, I'm sorry for being evil. Thanks for the 2.8K reads, I'm so happy right now. How can you read this story? Of course, 'cause I made it. Just kidding, I'll stop being a narcissistic bastard. Cya!

Hetalia x PrisonerMaleReader x 2p Hetalia AU -Special-Where stories live. Discover now