I won't be escaping anytime soon....

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(M/n) POV

I woke up with a slight pain in my abdomen. It didn't hurt that much, but it did give a stinging sensation. I sat up and looked around me, to see I was still in the basement of the new people who kidnapped me. 

"You're awake....great...", I heard a quiet voice say. I looked behind me and saw the man I still didn't know the name of looking at me. I didn't respond, I just looked at him.

"My name is Gilen...Gilen Beilschmidt...", I noticed that he seemed to be taking a lot of pauses. I can't judge, but it's kinda weird to me. Seems like this didn't have a high self-esteem by just hearing him talk. 

I continued looking at him, ready for when he might attack me. He sighed as if he knew what I was doing and looked at me in pity.

"Like I said...I'm not going to hurt you, (M/n)...", he said to me, I felt like I could trust him. But I'm not that sure, he could be planning something evil...

"W-Why?", I asked, raspily. By now, I was pretty done with the kidnapping stuff. I just wanted to go home, but I don't think I ever wanted to see my father again....

"Umm...I'm not like the others, that's why-----", I rudely interrupted him.

"I-I meant, why do you all keep on kidnapping me!?", they seriously have no idea how much they're hurting me right now, 'So what if my father is a cold blooded murderer? Why the hell should I be involved!?', I thought to myself. Tears streamed down my face, by now. 

"....Jou know the answer...", He said, which only made me release even more tears. I came to the point where I was sobbing. I saw him looking at me with a pitying look. 

After a while of him trying to comfort me, he left the room. I was slightly relieved since I didn't want to look that weak by crying like a little brat in front of someone I just knew the name of, I started wiping my tears away. In my point of view, I looked truly pathetic. 

Some time passed, and Gilen returned with some food. The food consisted of some plain sausages. I'm not complaining, though. I was quite hungry, right now. He shoved the plate of sausages my way, I stood up and grabbed the plate. I was glad I didn't have to wear chains this time.

Seeing I recieved no knife and fork, I just ate with my hands. It was disgusting for me since I'm pretty rich and almost never had to eat with my hands. (A/n: I'm not calling anyone disgusting, I myself do it sometimes. It's just that you're rich in this story and I can't imagine a rich person eating with their hands, like...)

In 5 minutes or less, I finished the whole plate. My stomach was aching for more, but I didn't want to become fat. (A/n: I'm starting to sound really offensive, by now.)

I shoved the plate Gilen's way and he kindly took it, I looked at him as he left the basement. So now, I was just sitting here, bored. But then I remembered, that I had to find a way to escape this place. 

I stood up and walked to the end of the cell I was in. It seemed like there was no way to escape and I couldn't really fit through the metal, so I sat back down on the ground.

After a while, the basement door opened again and in came the buff German. I glared at him, he just brushed me off.

"What the fuck do you want?", I asked, already annoyed by him. He only gave a chuckle at that.

"It's my time to babysit jou, liebling.", he said in a sickly perverted tone. He opened my cell and slowly walked towards me while I backed away, trying to be as far as possible from him.


I kept on backing away, till my back hit the wall behind me. I started whimpering and shaking as he came even closer, till he stood right in front of me. He slowly bent down to my level, I looked at the ground in fear. He seemed to have noticed, so he grabbed my chin and made me look straight into his eyes. Tears started to well up in my eyes, again.

"We're going to have some fun, schatz.", he said while giving a dark smirk, I gulped at that. Since my training shirt had been ripped off by Luciano already, it was easy for him to touch me all over. I started sobbing and he only gave a wider smirk at that. I tried to get free with no vain. 

His hands moved up and down my hips, teasing me. I shut my eyes tightly and stopped struggling. I just simply gave up. He looked me straight in the eyes, till he slowly moved his hands to one of my nipples. But then...

"Lutz!? Where are you!?", a loud angry Italian voice yelled. Lutz rolled his eyes at that and let go of me. 

"I'm in the basement!", Lutz yelled back with a loud voice, which sent shivers down my spine. 

"Get your damn ass over here! We got a mission!", Luciano yelled again. Lutz gave a sigh and looked at me.

"Ve'll continue later, liebling.", he said with a toothy grin, a dark toothy grin. He left the basement and I sighed in relief.

I started to think about how his hands touched me all over my chest and stomach, I almost wanted to puke. I felt disgusted, not only at him. But also at myself, I shouldn't have let him take adventage of me like that. I acted so....submissive.

My hands balled up into fists and my eyes started to become wait in anger. I calmed a little down and gave a mischievous grin. My darker side started to pop up.

"Fine, if they're going to play like that....I will as well."


Oh wow, I think I turned you crazy, oh well. I apologise for the slight touching, but Lutz was the perverted type, so I kinda had to express it. I drew a line, though. I'm still too young to actually write a lemon, or just a lime. I hope you enjoyed, cya!

Hetalia x PrisonerMaleReader x 2p Hetalia AU -Special-Where stories live. Discover now