Mashley Fanfic: I don't want to be friends. Part 20 2/2

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  • Dedicated to TO ALL MY NERDZ!!!

Sorry I did not update yesterday I was at a spend the night XD, I'm in a sad mood, I woke up crying from a dream last night, This song helps with this chapter and my life right now XD, This Animal song is I'm coming home By: The Neon Trees. Oh yeah One more thing all the winners of the contests will be in the next chapter but one winner will be in this one; RedRaptorAnimations.

Mitch's POV~~~~~~

"W-Why... Why did you do that?" I stammer, beet red.

Ashley then looks down at the floor, "Well... I knew you wouldn't... want... to cheat on me... r- right?" She whispers.

I take my hand and lightly stroke her cheek, "I would never, ever, want to cheat on you on my will."

She takes out a huge puff of air, "Well... speaking of which... I was thinking, we should be friends... and continue our relationship later on."

'Oh her beautiful voice... I could get lost in it, drowning in those beautiful eyes, drowning in those brown opals- Wait... WHAT?!'

I fill myself freeze up in shock.

"What?" I choke out.

She stares at the ground and whispers, "I said we should take... a break."

I feel tears well up in my eyes, "Ashley... please... don't do this!" I plead.

She shakes her head fast, "Do you promise this won't happen again?" She says softly.

"I will try everything in my power to make sure this won't happen again."

She smiles softly at me.

"Mitch is that you?!" I hear a voice yell at me across the hall.

I reconize the voice and call out, "Dan?"

I see a man with brown hair and glasses, pulling a girl with curly brown hair; who looked a bit like Sandy's (Red you didn't say what color hair she did have so message me and i'll edit this part about the hair :3)

"So this is Skylar?" Ashley asks.

"Yes. Nice to meet you, your Ashley right?" She asks quite politely.

"Yes I am." Ashley's replys, they walk off to go to the food court and talking about stuff the entire way, Leaving me and Dan alone.


Random Person again: I SAID GET A LIFE!!!


Again I'm sleep... Such a sleepy kitty... Arthur carry me up the stairs. Why is Flying Mint Bunny flying over my head?...

I lost it.

Stay Nerdy My Nerdz ~ Nerdy

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