#Mashley Fanfic: First date promblems Part: 8

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Hello my nerdz I may post AGAIN tonight <3 this song is Hot 'N' Cold by Katy Perry you'll see why. ;).

Stay nerdy my nerdz. ~Nerdy (Like my new catch fraze? >;3)

~~~~~~~~~~~Mitches Pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I feel my phone vibrate as a text gets sent to me when i'm driving Ashley I see who its from and I groan and as I read it fear creeps up on me.

"Ashley." I say my voice filled with regret and fear.

"Yeah Mitch what is it?" She says smiling at me.

"I'm dropping you off out your house." I mumble.

Her eyes widen full of pain, "What?" She whispers.

I pull up to her house and open the door for her.

"Bye Ashley." I mumble and I give her a quick kiss and then I close the door behind her and leave her staring at my car as I drive off.

I close my eyes, and open them, This is the only way to protect her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ashley's Pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stare at his car speeding away, and I feel tears well up in my eyes.

What the hell was that about...?! I think sadly as tears trickle down my cheeks.

I feel a drop of rain land on my head and rain starts to pour down and I start walking on the side walk away from my house, the place where Mitch left me.

I steadily walk through the rain in high heels my feet aching every step.

I feel hot tears drip down my cheeks but cold rain drops always replace them.

Why would Mitch abanded me like that? I thought he loved me? Maybe he does....? Maybe somthing in that text he got was a problem? Maybe the text was urgent? It proibly was, Mitch isn't like this. I think trying to keep my spirts up

I suddenly walk into the city part and walk into a starbucks, and the male cashier looks at me full of intrest. He creeped me out a bit.

"Er... can I please have one hot cocoa and thats all." I say nervously

"Oh of corse Miss. that will be 1.99 please." He say slyly staring at me.

I quickly hand him the change and and grab the cocoa before he could talk to me again.

I walk down the street, sipping my hot cocoa every once and awhile.

I sit on a park bench, getting drenched.

I here a voice behind me, it sounded familer it sounded female, "Hey Ashley..."

I turn around and see a bit of thier hair and gasp a bag goes over my head and then...


OHHHHH CLIFFHANGER! (I think....) I'm pretty sure a few of you know who it is please don't spoil :)!

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