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A/N: Hey everyone, a few liked the original one shot, Rainy Day. So I decided to post up the rest of the chapters. Chapter ten, is the Lemon/Smut/NSFW, that sparked the story. Also please don't report this, I have posted this on my Fanfiction account as well, which is also TombRomance.  As a side note, this series will have fifteen chapters. This is rated M for mature, due to it's unique and frightening story line.  I own none of the Resident Evil characters, nor the photos, I just own Emma and her story. Please Enjoy!


"Wesker aren't you tired of torturing them to death already?" Excella muttered, glancing down into the room.

Wesker glanced at the severely underdressed woman, before going back to his work. What did it matter to her if he brutally killed anyone? She sighed, disturbing the silence again. Her eyes danced across the tiny creature trapped in the storage area. If they could convince Wesker to do something new, this creature may survive the next few months, enough time to prove useful.

"There are other ways to get information from this girl." Excella continued carefully. "Alexia and I talked about it a bit, and came up with a few ideas. "

"If I want your helps, I'd ask for it." Wesker glanced between the two women in his office. "And I don't remember doing any such thing. Do you?"

Excella elbowed the other woman painfully in the ribs, forcing her forward. If he was going to listen to anyone it was Alexia, and both women knew it. Maybe even Wesker knew it too.

"Well, we both think that maybe if you tried being nice to the captive this time, you'd maybe get more of a positive outcome." Alexia smiled slightly. "What could you lose, aside from a few days?"

Darkness enveloped Emma's body, as she sat in the shadow filled room, trying to calm her breathing. She left panic a few hours ago, her training telling her what position she is in. She is a captive, for what she wasn't sure yet, but she knew she would find out soon. Her hands moved around the chair to analyze her situation. Both her wrists and ankles are cuffed to her chair, and her shoulders and waist were tied to something. It was safe to say whomever took her had done this before.

Emma took this time to review captive protocol as she waited for her captors to file in. Remind them you are a person with hopes, dreams, and a family. She snorted at that, but continued on. They will not know who you are, most likely, and they will try to either sell you back to your loved ones, or auction you off to the highest bidder. Was her life really going to end up in a prostitution ring? She sighed, maybe going through this over and over again in her mind, wasn't a good idea.

The door opening diverted her thoughts, bringing her captor to her attention. Emma allowed her sense to open up, not bothering to move her blindfold away from her eyes. The room filled with the scent of breakfast, causing her mouth to water and her stomach to growl. She winced, who knows how long she was passed out and how long it's been since she has eaten.

"Hello?" her own voice scared her momentarily. "M-my name is Emma Singh, I'm twenty-six years old-"

"Your training is of no use to you here." A familiar voice choired in, "I know who you are, and who you work for. That is why I have you."

With that, her visitor left, leaving her again to the darkness. Emma's mind wandered, trying desperately to figure out who has taken her from her home. Her mind continued to work endlessly, until the doors opened again. Exhaustion chipped away at her sense, telling her that evening was near. The smell of supper confirmed this conclusion.

"If you know who I am, then you know I don't have any information for the Umbrella Company." She blurted, before she could stop herself.

A dark chuckle caressed her ears, before the doors closed again. So much for getting more information, she thought as the sudden burning need to pee hit her. She cursed, before diverting her thoughts, dwelling on her need at this point was a waste of time. Emma's existence continued like this for days, the only human contact she had always stayed momentarily before leaving her alone.

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