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The air was thick with water, as Chris and Leon crossed through the lush rain-forest, guns in hand. When it came to Wesker and his men, there was no telling what could happen, especially inside a well canopied jungle. On second thought, they should have hired a guide through the area, but how were they to know that they'd lose communication with their navigational technician?

The ground sloshed underneath their feet, telling them they were too close to the river's flood zone. It was going to rain soon, and they didn't want to get caught in a bad situation. Chris corrected their direction, according to recent communicates, there was a lot of traffic going on around here, which was strange considering it's in the middle of a no build zone of the rainforest.

"Have you been able to reach Hazel?" Chris sighed, taking a large gulp of water from his canteen.

"Not yet," Leon huffed not yet used to the high altitude.

Sweat poured down their faces, as they continued forward. The humidity in New York was nothing compared to with the combined heat of sun and humidity here, and on top of that they were having the hike of their lives. It was understood that they would need to come up with an actual plan, before they invaded the small Umbrella corp. compound here. They couldn't break in guns blazing, and then wander aimlessly through the forest, that would get everyone killed. First, they needed to focus on contacting Hazel again, this way they weren't going in quite as blind, then they'd come up with the next two plans.

"We'll get to higher ground, see if that helps."

Leon rolled his eyes, not particularly happy to continue going up, in the already too thin air. It was logical though, up meant closer to the satellite and above the thick foliage of the canopy, so he didn't complain any farther. Chris grunted, starting to feel the burn of exhaustion through his muscles. Once they were fully up the hill they would take a fifteen-minute break, that's the least he could do.

"How are you doing back there?" Chris asked, once the terrain seemed to level off.

"I'm alive." Leon hummed, feeling beads of sweat rolling down his face.

Chris nodded, settling down onto the roots of a tree, before pulling out a couple water bottles. Hazel was a god send, in Emma's absence, packing their bags with tons of water, food, medical supplies, and anything else she thought they'd need. Most of all, despite knowing that this mission could get everyone involved fired, she'd agreed to play acting nav-tech to keep both men safe. Chris tossed two bottles of water and a handful of protein bars to Leon.

"Drink both of those, before we try to contact Hazel again," Chris directed, popping open his own bottle. "Dehydration can sneak up on you, especially in a place so humid."

They were both on edge, waiting to see Emma, waiting for Hazel, just waiting. Emma was officially declared dead by the B.S.A.A months ago. Her parents were notified, and sent her cubical possessions, soon afterwards, but neither parent was willing to believe it without a body. It was from them, that Chris and Leon were given permission to keep looking, even without the B.S.A.A's permission. Emma's communique had told them two things; that she was alive, and that they now could find her. With Hazels studious help, she'd been able to pinpoint the compound in Africa, and later the compound in the Amazon.

"What's that plan?" Leon asked, crumpling up the plastic bottle, and placing it into his bag.

"I'm hoping Hazel can get us into the compound without notice." Chris hummed. "After that, it's up to us, really, to find Emma and take her back."

"So, go in blind, but armed."

"I'd like to see what brilliant plan you have."

Chris growled, hearing the incredulous tone in Leon's voice. For this, they took a temporary embargo on tormenting the other, just until Emma was safely home. After that, it would depend on how she fairs, if she's broken and bruised, they would continue working together to piece her back to completion. But that didn't necessarily mean, they had things together just yet. They both wanted to play alpha, and as packs go, there can only be one.

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