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Numbness slowly sank in as Chris and the other calmly spoke to her. She heard nothing, their words caressing her ears before dissipating into nothingness. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, she was supposed to sacrifice everything to keep everyone safe, now there was no telling what was going to happen. If she had stayed, she could have earned her liberties again, maybe even found a better way of warning the B.S.A.A about any attacks. That time around she wouldn't have trusted anyone so willingly, instead keeping her nose clean to protect others.

Emma was supposed to stay trapped with Wesker, this way no one else had to die, but was that really the reason she was so upset? Leon wrapped a reassuring arm around her shoulders, drawing her into his body. The familiar scent of his cologne, drew deeply into her lungs gently lulling her into a drowsy state. Emma's head leaned forward, indicating her unexpected exhaustion.

"Maybe we should talk about this later." Leon hummed, glancing up from her face. "She's exhausted from the eleven-hour flight and god knows what else."

"Her house isn't ready yet." General Reed breathed, glaring at Chris.

"She'll stay with me, there's no way I'd let her stay in her apartment anyways." Chris shot back, eyeing the general.

"Then I'll contact you in the morning." She sighed, waving them out of her room.

Emma's fingers laced into the lapel of Leon's jacket, as he escorted her out of the large building. Originally, General Reed wanted Emma to stay in isolation for a week, so that they could get as much information out of the her as possible. Both Chris and Leon were not having that, instead suggesting that after a brief reprieve, Emma would come in daily to tell them anything they wanted. No one really asked her what she wanted, both men worried about her mental state, and the general too familiar with shellshock to say anything directly.

"You'll be staying with me for the next few nights." Chris sighed, lifting her into his truck. "You're welcome to stay too."

Leon eyed his gruff companion, before nodding. Chris would need the extra pair of hands, with how Emma was responding to her newly acquired freedom. This time, Emma nodded in response, before resting her head against the large man, almost instantly reassuring them she'd come back soon. It was quickly approaching midnight, and the cool March weather licked at their skin as they drove. It was light jacket weather, but after spending more than a year in Africa, Emma couldn't help but crave her winter frock. Her body shivered a bit, before Chris wrapped a loving arm around her.

"Ok kiddo, don't be too freaked out about the shape of the house." Chris chuckled, knowing the usual Emma would spend the whole night cleaning. "I'll have everything spotless in the morning."

Leon slipped his leather jacket over Emma's shoulders, as they walked through the parking lot. His fingers resting heavily on her shoulders, as she stared at the deep black of the asphalt. As frightening as it was, she'd forgotten how built up and noisy New York was. How would she get any sleep? She wondered, allowing Chris to guide her into the large apartment complex. The route was familiar, almost like muscle memory, walking through the brightly colored carpets. The air tasted different here, less primordial, tamer. She shivered, before hugging into Chris's side, when he stopped to unlock his door.

"I have only one guest room," Chris murmured, drawing Emma into the apartment.

Emma wrinkled her nose smelling old pizza, sweat, and stale air. The main wall in his living room was covered in paper, strange things about Emma's disappearance, things people had seen the estimated day she'd disappeared, things a P.I. or police officer would have on a white board. Clothes were strewn across the floor, with empty pizza boxes and beer bottles. When was the last time he cleaned? She couldn't help but wonder, as she marched to the guest room. Whether or not she was going to stay in the room, she needed to get her pajama's. In the background, she could hear the two men talking in hushed tones.

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