Holiday Party

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"You have a lot of Gingerbread on your plate." Alexia chuckled, sitting across from Emma.

"Uhu.... Yeah, it's kind of a tradition in my family." Emma chuckled nervously. "My mom makes the best Gingerbread, we literally put it in everything during the holiday season."

Alexia smiled, taking the empty seat in front of Emma, something akin to mischief danced in the blonde's eyes. If asked to label each worker at the compound, Emma would promptly assign Alexia the class clown type of person. The blond often was in the middle off a gigantic prank or mischief. For the life of her, Emma, couldn't understand how her boss found the time to do such works, but far be it from her to complain. The Dark-haired woman cocked her brow, asking what Alexia has done.

"I have assigned a spa day for us." Alexia giggled, leaning across the table. "Since we put so many hours in planning the damned party, Wesker approved our pampering day!" Sensing her companions 'no' coming, Alexia switched to her pouty face. "Please don't say no, I think we both deserve this, and I need girlfriend time." Her voice stressing the word need.

"Uh, I guess I can make the time." Emma sighed, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Good, let's go!"

Alexia gripped Emma's wrist dragging her away from the plate she called breakfast. It didn't really matter though, Emma's appetite diminished with the prospect of being touched by strangers. Chris's back massages were great, and happened to be very relaxing, but Emma's known him since her mother started working for S.T.A.R.S. She nibbled her bottom lip nervously, watching as they passed offices and labs, until they ended up in the elevators of death.

"So, where exactly are we going?" Emma questioned, counting the floors they passed.

"Well the compound is split into three large buildings, which I'm guessing Wesker didn't tell you." Alexia hummed, ignoring the fact the elevator stopped moving. "The spa that we are going to, is in the secondary building. It's also the place that I'm sending the dancers to. Think of it being our events center."

Emma nodded, glancing back to the flashing numbers, indicating they were trapped between the basement and the ground level. Rolling blackouts were a thing here, and has trapped Emma two or three other times. Her fingers gripped the small railing along the room, taking long shallow breaths, waiting for the elevator to move once again. It wasn't quite a panic attack, more like shocks of panic that slowly radiated through her being. Emma breathed slowly out, feeling the elevator awaken once again, allowing a calming sigh from her.

"You'll love Juan," Alexia smiled, nudging her companions side. "He's dreamy, perfect for relaxing."

"You are incorrigible," Emma mused, rolling her eyes, relief setting in when the doors open.

"Speaking of, how do you feel about Wesker?"

Her words came out slowly, as if there were an internal battle of whether or not to ask. Emma glanced to her companion, a flooding of questions encamping the light of her eyes. What did the silly blond mean by that? Emma wondered, as they exited the elevator, and made their way to the Jeep. No guards came to accompany them, instead the two women drove on their own.

"I'm not sure what you're asking?" Emma finally broke the long silence. "I feel many things for him really."

"That's to be expected," Alexia answered back carefully. "I'll expand on my question. I understand you fear and hate him, for what he's done, but something has changed between the two of you. Something primal, almost sexual...."

Shame brightened up Emma's cheeks, her mind wandering to his office two weeks ago. She had found herself contemplating her bodies reaction to his touch, and more often than not she'd find herself aching with desire once more. Emma cleared her throat, turning to her eyes to the Savana as they drove.

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