Solitude and Hard Nights

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The nights where quiet, leaving Emma to her thoughts, almost questioning everything she has done that led to this very moment. The days on the other hand were maddening, being that there wasn't anything else to do than pace along the small room. Wesker's new orders being no human contact, which meant no human interaction at all. She wouldn't call herself a social butterfly, having to go from person to person for some sort of attention, but she did like the reassuring feeling of a person nearby. Maybe that's why he did it, maybe this was his new way of seeing how far he could push her before she cracked.

A humored chuckle fell from her cracked lips, as she paced the floor nervously with her fingers twirling a piece of hair. He wouldn't give her that much thought anymore, she had given him what he wanted, and now she was being punished. She took one, two, three, four, five, six steps, counting meticulously in her mind before turning on her heels and scaling back beside her bed. Work distracted her, it was something about the monotonous way things went that numbed out the world behind her. It hardly seemed fair, all she did was speak to Leon and Chris, telling them she was fine, and nothing else. Emma was the only thing keeping them alive right now, why would she want to jeopardize that of all things?

"Get a grip Emma," she hummed nervously, running her fingers through her greasy hair. "You've only been a lone for a couple of days, a week tops."

The door creaked, as one of the guards pushed a metal tray into the room, before slamming it shut again. Her eyes flickered to the bland military rations on the tray, as she continued calming the erratic thoughts. At least when she was first taken into captivity Wesker visited her twice a day, now food came once a day with nothing. The guards kept from her line of sight, almost as if a robot came in and dropped off the food. Everything was so inhumane. She couldn't help but feel, as she slowly ate the rations.

"It tastes like chalk." She muttered, speaking just for the sound of it. "I'm sorry." Her voice shook, as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry." She repeated, continually, as if a broken record.

Her eyes closed, before an explosive scream left her weary body. She'd been alone for approximately three weeks, left with little to no sound. When she opened her eyes again, she realized exactly what she'd done. The cement floor was covered with the brown liquid of the chili and macaroni MRE. It didn't matter too much, she wasn't hungry, they still fed her every day, but the fact she threw it with no thought was something she'd worried about. Wesker had taken her books away, along with the paper's she'd been stashing away. In a way, she should have known that he knew what she was doing. It was Wesker after all. All those days of stashing important BSAA documents, meant nothing, it was a test of loyalty and she failed.

"Okay," she breathed, standing up as straight as she could. "Clean the mess, and find a way to keep your sanity."

Her body moved almost robotically, as she made her way into the bathroom. They'd left a cleaning rag in the room, when they'd taken all her belonging, excluding the bed and dresser. Emma breathed shakily, her fingers mopping up the fake cheese and watery sauce. The chunks of macaroni slid around, until she tossed it back onto the tray. She was no longer hungry. With quick and decisive movements, Emma tossed the spoon back into the bag and tossed the tray towards the door. Whichever guard that oversaw getting the tray would be there any moment now.

"Please say something." She whimpered, as the door slowly opened. "Anything really, I just need to hear another voice."

The guard at the door sighed, sparking shocks of hope through the girl. None of the others acknowledged that she said anything, maybe it made everything easier for them. After one of the longest moments of her life, the door opened just a bit more, revealing Erin. His hair was shorter than she remembered, and he had dark circles around his eyes. Poor thing wasn't sleeping.

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