Mate (11)

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I am so sorry for the long wait!!!! Now that my life sorta is not so busy with school and book revisions, I will make more time to write Pierce's story, I promise. I will keep it up for all of you wonderful readers who have supported me here. You all are AMAZING!!!!

Pierce woke up extremely cold.

She felt like stretching a little before opening her eyes, trying to wake up her sleepy body and head. Her linens felt so comfortable and smooth, so cozy, but still she felt cold. She tried to pull the covers over her head a little tighter, but when her hand reached down to try to drag them up, they came empty handed.

That was odd, because she always put an extra comforter at the bottom of her bed in case she got chilly.

As soon as Henry realized that his mistress was awake, he immediately made it known to her that he was ravenous and that his dog-counterpart wasn’t too happy either.

Dante was yelping insanely at something in Pierce’s kitchen.

Then she remembered what had happened last night. Pierce did the only logical thing to do in such situations: look under the covers to make sure all her clothes were in place, such things like panties…

With a thank god silently whispered she rushed to the bathroom to check her teeth.

Sure enough. Yes. They were stained with Erin’s blood.

It took her about seven minutes of OCD brushing them until she deemed her pearly-whites were clean again. By then the unmistakable smell of bacon had filled her nostrils. Someone was in her house.

It should have occurred to her that perhaps Dante was yelping at an intruder. The intruder.

Her husband.

Not yet, her mate and future husband in the eyes of the great state of New York.

She was wearing the ripped up wedding dress still. Perhaps she ought to change into something more appropriate and “wifely.” What do wives wear? She asked herself.

Pierce went with whatever first her hands touched on her closet, which were sweats and a holey shirt.

It wasn’t like she was trying to impress him anyway. It didn’t matter that she didn’t look pretty all the time, they were stuck together anyway. He wasn’t a boyfriend whom she had to keep under the impression that she looked perfect, pretty, and hot twenty-four-seven.

Pierce made her way to her kitchen, who was been invaded by a tall, handsome, hunky, five-oh-clock-shadowed man, who was wearing only boxers, a sleeveless t-shirt, and an apron.

That sight didn’t make her feel better, it just made everything that much more real. She ignored him as she went about pouring her pets their breakfast. Then she went about her usual Sunday morning routine of watching old cartoons while making herself some breakfast.

Except this time she only sat on the small kitchen table to watch cartoons on the room’s small TV while she made quick glances at Erin, who was busy making what smelled like blueberry-pancakes with fresh blueberries, eggs, bacon, and Canadian bacon patties.

“I’m making the eggs scrambled. That okay with you?” He said as he maneuvered a stack of pancakes towards the table. Then he set two plates opposite each other, then the rest of the meal.

“Sure.” Pierce mumbled while trying to pay attention to the TV.

He served her a small portion of the meal in silence, and then sat the plate in front of her.

She took a look at it and doubled her food almost instantly before digging in.

Pierce almost ate the same amount of food that big-bad wolf Erin did. That was saying something.

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