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We went back home the next day, I had to go back to writing songs for Fuuto and the other artists. Currently, I was stumped. Normally I had no problem writing lyrics but I just couldn't think properly today. I was thinking of what happened yesterday.

What was Fuuto trying to do? And what did he mean by you're mine? Wait, that gives me an idea.

I need you by my side, to keep me in control. I want you by my side but it isn't possible. The beauty you possess, the elegance you create, it's caught the eyes of more than one, but I need you to be mine.

I finish the song and sigh in relief, finally finished with the new song. I jump off the bed and rush out of my room with the notebook in hand. I rush to the living room trying to find Fuuto, he wasn't there but some of the others were.

"Have any of you seen Fuuto?"

I can see some of their faces drop, as if they didn't want to hear me say that.

"Why do you want to know where he is?" Tsubaki asks with an attitude.

"I have to show him the new song," I lift up my notebook so they could see it.

"I think he's in his room," Masaomi says, kindly.

"Thanks, you're a big help. Unlike some people," I narrow my eyes at Tsubaki.

I rush up to his room and knock on the door. He didn't answer. I try the door knob, it was unlocked. I slowly walk in but don't hear anything. I found Fuuto asleep on his bed laying on his back, one hand and leg dangling off the side. I slowly and quietly walk up to him then place the notebook on his chest.

I go to walk out the door but hear him stirring in his sleep, then the bed creek as he sits up. He didn't seem to notice me there since all his attention was on the notebook. I was right by the door, waiting for him to do something. I could see him opening the notebook and skimming through the pages. He stops at one and reads it, it seemed to catch his eye.

Before I could leave he must've heard me since he called me back over to him. I let the door close and walk over to him, standing beside his bed. He patted the side next to him, wanting me to sit. I do so.

"You wrote these?" He looks at me, the sun shining in on him from the window. His eyes seemed to sparkle.

"Yeah, those are my extras. I thought I'd let you pick one you liked"

"This one..." he looks back to the page, his eyebrows scrunched together. "What is it about? It reminds me of something"

It was the one I had just finished writing, the one that would make the singer sound possessive, something the fan girls would surely love.

"Well I couldn't think of anything to write about so... I based it on you?" I say, also questioning what I truly wrote it about.

"Really? But are these your feelings or were you portraying mine or is it just random"

"I tried to base it off of your feelings, but I'm not really sure how you feel so I had to..." I mumble the last part hoping he wouldn't hear me. "Use some of my own feelings"

"Do you really feel like this?" He skims through some other pages, noticing some of them were about the mixed feelings I was feeling.

"Well singers sing how they feel, so I wrote how I felt," I look away, my cheeks growing hot in embarrassment. I couldn't believe I've actually caught feelings for him.

He's rude and annoying. How could I fall for him? And how come I didn't notice until he brought it up just now?

"I can't sing these songs," he hands the book back to me.

"What? Why!" I look at him shocked.

"These aren't my feelings. I don't have mixed emotions about you, I'm sure of what my feelings are"

"I could re-write one of them to fit your feelings then. Tell me what you feel," I say grabbing a pen and opening up to an empty page.

He stays silent but grabs the pen and notebook from my hand. He places it beside him on the bed and grabs my hands. He stares into my eyes for a moment, his eyes glistening. He yanks my body towards him, throwing his arms around me. My face was at his chest, I could feel the rise and fall of it. His heart seemed to speed up when I spoke.

"Don't you want me to write a song about your feelings though?"

"No," he responds. "I can't tell you my feelings just yet"

"Why not? Haven't you inferred how I feel from the songs?" His heart speeds up and when I pull away I see a hopeful look in his eyes.

"I did see. What I got from the songs was that you didn't know how you felt about me"

"Well I didn't... but I do know," I hesitate not actually wanting to tell him the truth.

"The truth should be for another time. Right now I just want to sleep"

He lays down, pulling me with him. His arms were around my waist pulling me against his chest, his face buried in my hair.

"What are you doing?" My cheeks were even hotter than they were before.

"Sleeping so be quiet," he mumbles.

I stare out the window at the bright blue sky. Eventually I could hear soft snores coming from Fuuto. I tried to escape his grasp but he had a firm grip on me. I give in and slowly drift off to sleep as well.

Elegant Artist (Fuuto x OC)Where stories live. Discover now