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It's been years.

I now had millions of fans who were so supportive of my career. There was a documentary about me. I starred in multiple movies, some small roles, some major. I had been interviewed on multiple different tv shows. I was working on my own line of clothing, something affordable yet resilient.

I was 19 years old.

"So, what was it like just starting out?" The interviewer asks.

I was sitting on a love seat next to the interviewer who was sitting in a chair. I was wearing a beautiful strapless red maxi dress with a slit going down the leg.

"Well I was writing songs for different artists"

"Who was your favourite to write for?"

"Well, um... Fuuto actually"

"Really?" She asks, half shocked, half excited. "Was there any chemistry going on there? He's quite a handsome guy, your age right?"

I nod. "He is my age, but I don't know about anything going on between us, the last time we've seen each other was when we were 16 and we sorta lost touch since we were both so busy"

"Does that mean you wouldn't be willing to do a duet with him?"

"That's funny because just before I left for the U.S we promised to have a duet together when I was famous"

The crowd applauds and the interviewer looks behind me with a smile. I turn around and see Fuuto - a much older, fully matured, incredibly handsome guy - standing over me. I stare at him, my mouth gaping open.

"Hey," he says cooly with a sly wink.

I stand up, jumping into his arms with an excited squeal. The crowd applauds once again, a couple of people laughing at my reaction. I sit back down on the couch and Fuuto sits beside me, holding onto my hand.

"So there's nothing going on between the two of you?" She asks again, looking at our intertwined hands.

"There was a little thing, but we were only young," I say.

Fuuto kisses my knuckles lightly. "Age has nothing to do with our love. No matter what she says, she knows she loves me"

I sit there, unable to say anything. The crowd laughs, some awe, and I fold into myself. Fuuto throws an arm around my shoulder.

"So any duet in the future?"

"I think you'll be hearing a lot from the two of us," Fuuto answers.

"That's great to hear. Ms.Mai, what about that duet we were hoping you'd do with Jackson?"

"That might not happen, Jackson has been so busy with his tours and everything, he doesn't have any free time"

"So you're sticking with Fuuto?" She asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I'm not sure because I still have my solo career and acting career as well, and everything that goes on behind the scenes"

"Not even a smidgen of a chance?"

Fuuto places a hand on my cheek and guides my face to his. His lips meet mine and I freeze, my eyes widening at the feeling I haven't felt in years. I couldn't say the spark had disappeared.

The crowd goes crazy. "Guess that answers my earlier question," the interviewer says to the audience with a laugh.

Fuuto pulls away, staring into my eyes. "You know, I was given an offer for a new movie," Fuuto speaks up, tearing his eyes away from mine.

"What's it about?"

"Well it's a mix of thriller, comedy, drama, the feelings will be all over the place. I was hoping Ms.Mai here would agree to be in the movie"

"That'd be great," I say.

"Well folks, we've gotten assurance on a duet AND now we know about a movie with our two favourite actors! I only hope it'll have some romance," she finishes with a wink.

"It sure will," Fuuto says.

The show ended and I walked back to my dressing room, Fuuto following behind me like a lost puppy, who just so happened to be loved and known by everyone.

"I can't wait for the duet!" Someone says as I pass by.

"The movie sounds like it'll be awesome," someone else says.

Fuuto wraps an arm around my waist casually as I turn into my dressing room. Claire was sitting on the sofa, scrolling through her phone, her thumbs moving a mile a minute.

"Great news, Mai, you're going to be performing that duet with Jackson after all, although what just happened isn't going to be good for business"

"What?" Me and Fuuto ask in unison.

"Yup, the song's already written, you just gotta get together and record it"

"But I was hoping-"

"No time for that, you got places to be. I'll schedule some time in for your duet with Fuuto though"

"What about the movie?" I ask.

"That will all be fit in, but right now you're wanted by Jackson," she stands up, walking out the door. "Hurry up and change, can't leave the famous waiting"

"But I am the famous," I mutter as she closes the door.

I sigh, going behind the curtain so I could change. I slipped off the dress, forgetting Fuuto was still in the room, and change into a skirt and crop top.

"What were you hoping for?" Fuuto asks from the other side of the curtain.

"That we could catch up. You did just come into my interview and kiss me on live tv"

"Well Ms.Mai, if it's alright with your manager I'd like to take up some of your time, maybe get some alone time with you, if that's not of any inconvenience"

I step out from behind the curtain. "I'd love that, I'll see what's going on after the duet with Jackson," I peck him on the lips. It was out of habit, a habit from when I was 16 that I thought I had grown out of. "Sorry"

I cover my mouth, completely forgetting that this is the first time I had seen him in forever, but he didn't seem to care. He simply came closer, brushing my straight hair away from my face, cupping the back of my neck, and pulling my lips to his once again. It felt so normal, so amazing.

"I missed this," I say quietly when he pulls away.

"I hope I can get more of this later"

I pull him in for one last quick kiss then walk towards the door. I turn to him when I open the door, giving him a wink. "Can't wait for later"

Elegant Artist (Fuuto x OC)Where stories live. Discover now