My Princess

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"I have a surprise for you"

"What is it?"

Fuuto pulls something out from behind his back, it was a blue and white ombré bikini.


"We're going to the beach, I thought I'd get you a present"

I snatch it from his hand. "You just wanna see me in a bikini," I turn away and walk towards the elevator.

"We're leaving at 5," he tells me, an obvious smirk on his face like always.

At 5 we all, and I mean all of us, pile into multiple vans. Apparently the entire family got days off just so they could go to the beach. It wasn't a very long drive until we got to the private beach, because a public beach was 'too crowded' as put by Fuuto.

"Who's idea was it to go to the beach anyway?" Tsubaki asks, stretching as he steps out of the car.

"Does it matter? C'mon, lighten up, we're here to have fun," I say.

I run past him, Ema by my side, sprinting for the beach. We both set our things down on a towel we had set out. I remove my shirt and shorts, leaving me in the bikini Fuuto had gotten for me.

"Hurry up, Ema!" I say excitedly. I hadn't been to the beach in a while and I wanted to get into the water as fast as possible.

"You go, I'll be there in a second"

I walk towards the water, checking the temperature of it with my toe. It was cold but I didn't care. Ema was now beside me and we both ran in together, going until the water was up to our hips.

"It's so cold," Ema says, hugging herself.

"You'll get used to it," I tell her, splashing her.

She splashes me back and we start a water war with each other. We were in the water giggling and having fun while the guys only watched us from the beach. Eventually I grow tired of splashing Ema and I go under water, popping up behind her and jumping on her back. She screams as I take us both under water. We resurface, laughing like crazy.

"Ok now I'm even colder," she says shivering.

"Wuss," I say jokingly. "Let's go warm up then"

We both start walking towards the beach. Most of the guys were talking with each other but some of them had their eyes on us. My attention was caught by Fuuto's staring, he was looking at me as if I was walking in slow motion, sort of like how in a movie the guy would be in a trance by the girls beauty.

"Whatcha staring at?" I ask when I walk up to him.

His eyes widen and then he quickly shakes his head, getting himself out of the trance. When his eyes open and connect with mine again his cheeks slightly turn pink.

"You," he says with a smirk, completely ignoring the heat that made its way to his face.

I roll my eyes. "Stop making everything sound like a scene from a movie"

He tilts his head slightly, raising an eyebrow. "But I think of life as a movie, and you're the beautiful love interest of the handsome main character"

"Stop flirting with each other and come join us!" Yusuke shouts from where the rest of the family was sitting.

Fuuto throws an arm around my shoulder. "You're just jealous that I got her first," he shouts back, winking at me.

Yusuke scoffs but doesn't object. I walk out from under Fuuto's arm and sit beside Ema on the blanket. She hands me a sandwich and I greatfully eat it.

"How long are we going to have to stay?" Natsume asks grumpily.

"I was thinking we could stay and have a bonfire," Masaomi says.

"S'mores!" Wataru exclaims.

"Scary stories," Fuuto says with a creepy smile.

I go back to the water, this time with Ema and Wataru, while the others stay on the beach doing their own thing. Some of them were playing volleyball, others were reading.

We play until the sun goes down and then we all sit around the fire Azusa and Subaru made. I was sitting between Yusuke and Fuuto, water dripping down my back from my wet hair. I shiver at the cold water and Fuuto grabs a nearby blanket, wrapping it around me and himself.

"Thanks," I mutter.

"No problem," he says, slipping an arm around my waist from under the blanket and pulling my body closer to his.

"Who has a scary story they want to tell?" Fuuto asks.

"I do," Tsubaki says.

He tells the 'creepy' story and when he finishes some of the others looked slightly scared while the others weren't affected by it at all.

"That was it?" I ask.

"You didn't find that scary?" Tsubaki asks me.

"I did not. I don't get scared easily so it's not surprising," I say with a yawn.

"Do you want a smore?" Wataru asks me, holding a smore out to me.

"No thanks, you can have it"

He smiles and happily eats it. I lay my head down on Fuuto's arm and close my eyes.

"I think we should head back now," Ema says, noticing my tired state.

"I second that idea," I say, not opening my eyes.

We pack our things and head back home. I fell asleep on the way back and was awakened with a kiss on my lips. I open my eyes, finding Fuuto in front of me and nobody else in the car.

"Seriously? Another movie reference?"

"What?" He asks, confused.

"Sleeping beauty? The prince wakes the princess with true loves kiss?"

"Oh, I just thought it would be the most fun way to wake you up"

I roll my eyes and get out of the car, hugging the blanket I had wrapped around my body. Fuuto comes up behind me and picks me up bridal style, carrying me into the house.

"You're so cheesy"

"But I have to carry you like this"

"Why do you say that my sweet prince?" I ask sarcastically in a fake royal voice. He leans his face closer to mine and whispers...

"You're my princess"

Elegant Artist (Fuuto x OC)Where stories live. Discover now