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I do not own fairy tail Hiro Mashima does and I do not own the song
I simply own the story line
You should know- Lucy is 21,Levy is 23,Natsu is 21,and Gajeel is 24
Baka= idiot
Don't start the song yet!!!

"Ahhhhhh!!!!I can't wait till we get there!!!! Lucy screamed!
Lucy was psyched to get to fairytale, she had wanted to join ever since she herd they protect each other and are like a family,Lucy really wanted to help people and she liked to think was pretty good at her celestial magic she had 10 of the 12 zodiac keys and a few other silver keys the only thing was she doesn't know how she got them she's had them ever since she can rember.

"Lucy,remember we still need to go to the new house,and unpack,and go shopping,and go to the grocery store,and pick our gild closet!!!(yes they havea seprat closet for the cloths to where to the gild and on sertin kinds of missions.)Levy uses solid script magic so she wrights down her spell and it comes she can do it for tons of thing like fire, and even iron and when she fights with Lucy she has a special one called star crash it hits all enemys but only enemys so if someone is undercover or secretly trying to help her or her group it won't hit them,it also boosts eny mage with magic related to the stars espeshily celestial mages and it boosts the spirits to!!!

Just then Lucy runs in to a pink haired guy they both fell,him on top of her."Gomen,are you ok!?!"He said while getting off her then,held his hand out to help her up."I'm fine thank you, it's no big deal."She said with a slight blush.She looked at him he had a dark red almost black hoodie with no sleeves as his shirt,showing off his muscles on his arm,and a pair of black jeans in his shoulder he had a fairy tail mark.

"Wait...YOUR WITH FAIRY TAIL!!!" He look a little shook then said," Ya! Konichiwa I'm Natsu or you may know me as salamander."She looked deep in thought then said,"Your last name isn't by eny chance Dragleel is it?"He looked at her blankly."Yes,why?" Her eyes started tearing up"NATSU!!!She runs the 2 steps and hugs him around him around his neck."Wait,LUCY!!!"she looked up at him and nodded. He hugged her back,lifting her up and spinning her."Haha,Natsu I've missed you so much!!" She said while laughing."I've missed you to!!!"he said while putting her down,then she let go of him and smiled.She was going to say something when-

"EXUSE ME BUT WHO THE HELL ARE YOU PINKY!!!"Levy yelled!Lucy and Natsu look at her shocked"Sorry Lev,this is Natsu he was my childhood friend until I had to move because of the Mar-"she cut herself off"because of my dad."She said as she looked down.

"Hey,gomen Lucy,I didn't mean yo bring that up."Natsu was looking at Lucy with a very sad kinda broken look,"Hey,what's wrong Luce?" Levy looked at him like he just shot her,a very very mad look"Don't you dare call her that!!! You BAKA what the HELL are you thinking!!!That what he called her!!"She hissed the last part."Gomen?" He said with a confused look."You better be!!"She said."It's fine Natsu you didn't know,but from know on dont call me Luce please." He smirked a little.

"Ok..Hime!" Levy looked ready to rip his head off at this point!"Hehe,Natsu thats what you called me when we where kids and I always said not to!!!"He smirked harder,"And I said when you stop being one,I will stop calling you one!"She blushed,then smirked and said,"Doragon!!!"he looked slightly annoyed,"I was always saying not to call me that!!!"He wined like a child."And I said when you stopped calling me Hime!!!"

They laughed then Lucy said,"Hey,Natsu do remember the songs we wrote when we where 13 of course they are what got me in the fairy tail band!"She smiled."There's a fair tail BAND!!!!"Lucy loves music its her get a way from life."Ya,but we need another lead guitarist and singer."He said sadly.

"Well your in luck cuz you just found them!!"She said as her and Lev smirked.*gasp*"Really you guys would,your the best!!!YESSS!!!!!"He yelled excitedly "Come on let's go unpack our stuff then we can go meet them!!!"Natsu had a huge smile on his face" Ok let's go,I'll help you!!!!" The girls smirked evily,"You sure about that?"They asked at the same time!He looked confused,"Of course why wouldn't I be?"He asked"Natsu we already had the movers move our furniture in all thats left is our clothes,you still sure?"

He blushed,"Ummm on second thought I'll just crash there while you guys finish unpacking!!"he said while nodding."Ok,let's go!!!"Lucy says excitedly.

After they finished at the house they went to the guild.Once they got there NATSU KICKED THE DOOR DOWN"I'm baaaaack!!!"He yelled then he yelled "And I got some new members,they're also gonna join the band!!!"Natsu yelled."Why hello I'm Mira,what's you name?"Mira asked sweetly."I'm Lucy,and this is Levy!Nice to meat you!"Mira smiled."What,color and where would you like your guild mark?" Lucy,and Levy where thinking then Lucy said,"Pink,and on my right hand!"Mira did then Levy said,"White with orange outline,on my back shoulder blade!" In the first time in a long time Levy smiled a genuine smile!

After they got there marks the went down stairs to the band room they,then met the band,there was Laxas with drums,Jellal with keyboard,Gajeel with guitar 1,and Natsu is the lead singer 1,Gajeel instantly started checking out Levy.Levy walked up to him with a big smile and said,"Are you checking me out?"Lucy giggled then said,"Natsu,watch this is what happens when you check out Levy!"Natsu looked over then Gajeel said,"So what if I am,what you gonna do b'out it?"Levy giggled then said,"This!"Then grabbed his arm and flipped him on to his back,then said,"1st time's a fall 2nd time's a punch and 3rd time's a kick...Where the sun don't shine."She smirked along with Lucy.

Then Lucy grabbed a mic,and Levy grabbed a guitar,Gajeel grabbed the other guitar and Natsu the other mic,then Laxas and Jallal got there instruments Natsu handed every body a peace of sheet music,Lucy looked at hers and instantly recognized it she then said with a smile," You composed it?" He smiled widely,"Yep!"While poping the p.Every one looked confused so Lucy explained,"When we she little me and Natsu where best friends so good that we made our own songs,together this was our favorite one we made others but this is the one we practiced the most and worked the hardest on and the whole resone I love music,but we where 13 so cut us some slack." Every one laughed at the last part.

Then we started playing!

(play song)

After we finished every one loved it Laxas even said,"For 13 year olds you guys had good taste!"At that ever one laughed and practiced again and again learning it by heart!

word count 1300

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