They Left Her - Prologue

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Tsunade P.O.V

I was sipping my sake when a blonde idiot bursts in yelling "Baa-Chan!?" 

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!!!" I yell as I throw one of my empty sake bottles at him. 

Rubbing my temple I ask "What do you want Naruto?" Naruto was about to speak but Kakashi cut in "Me, Yamato and team seven along with Ino would like to request a mission to find Sasuke Uchiha." 

"Then where is Sakura? Is she not a parted of team seven?" I ask skeptically. "We will not be bringing her with us," Kakashi stated. Never had I been so angry with anyone in my entire life as I try to calm down I ask-yell "And why not may I ask!?" then Naruto interrupter "Because we want to keep her safe!" I slammed my fist down on my desk snapping it cleanly in half "HOW DARE YOU!?! Sakura is the strongest kunoichi in your generation!!" I scream. It was at that time Ino decided to speak up "Lady Hokage, please hear them out..." she stopped when I glared at her.

"You should stay quiet girl. The only reason your here is because you like Sasuke. Other than that you have no right to be here." I state. "Take Sakura with you and I will allow this mission, if not no deal." "My apologies Lady Hokage but we must do this whether you like it or not. C'ya."

I screamed in rage and frustration at the 4 shinobi that have probably ruined my daughter's life single-handedly, again. In my anger, I threw my chair out of the window.

Greetings my great Shinobi!! I hope you like this story I always wanted to see this happen in the series. Anyway, comment, share, vote!!😘😘

Yours Truly,


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