You Left Now you're Back - Chapter 1

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**********5 Years Later**********

Third Person Pov:

Tsunade stared out the window. 5 years they had been gone for 5 years, 5 years since they ruined her daughter's life. They had left to save team seven but they sealed the destruction team seven when they left a teammate behind. She closed her eyes letting the memories of what happened come flowing back.

**********Flashback 5 years ago**********

A knock on the door startled Tsunade "Come in." she commanded. Her pink hair apprentice walked in with a bright smile that her master knew would soon disappear.

"Good morning Lady Tsunade!" she chirped "Aa, Sakura how are you?" this was the encounter that Tsunade had been dreading for the past two days. "Lady Tsunade do you know where my teammates are I haven't seen them for two days? Ino as well we had a shopping trip planned." Sakura was looking worried now. Tsunade just sat silently, her eyes filled with regret, as realization dawned on Sakura her eyes darkened and her fists balled as she whispered in a dangerously low voice "They left to find him without me, didn't they? DIDN'T THEY!!??" she had screamed the last part. 

"HOW COULD YOU LET THE LEAVE WITHOUT ME!?!" she accused "Sakura they left without my permission, they are missing-nin," Tsunade whispered in a sad voice like an angry child Sakura stomped her foot on the ground not realizing that it was chakra infused creating a crater. "Why did they leave me?" she sobbed tears spilling down her cheeks. "Am I not strong enough!? Not good enough for them!?" she screamed in anger and frustration she threw her chair into the wall shattering it into a million little pieces. Tsunade didn't even blink, the pain that Sakura was feeling could not be kept inside, it did not matter if Sakura was destroying everything.

Sakura was screaming and crying as she punched the wall, the wall crumbled to dust. As she turned around she looked at her mother figure and said "I will become the strongest ninja in the world. I will never be left behind again!" Tsunade smiled at her student as she walked out.

************End Flashback**************

Genma frowned at the 5 silhouettes approaching the gates of Konoha. He didn't recall any 5 man groups leaving on missions lately. Then he saw the person in the front of the group. He could recognize that silver hair anywhere. Kakashi.

"IM BACK!! BELIEVE IT!!" that was definitely Naruto no doubt. He also recognized Ino, who saw fiddling with her hair, Yamato deadly as ever and Sasuke looking annoyed with hands stuffed in his pockets. Looking at Hayate who was also looking at them with a grim expression on his face Genma sighed. "This is going to get messy." Hayate nodded in agreement just as the group walked up to them.

Feeling slightly awkward Genma decided to break the tension "Look who's back and with a lost package." he joked. Sasuke glared at him while Kakashi put his hand on his shoulder and said: "Good to be back Toothpick!" " I told you not to call me that!" Genma whined slightly blushing. "Hey! why don't we go see Sakura!?" Naruto asked jumping up and down with excitement.

"Be quite Baka!" Ino yelled as she hit him in the head. "Oy who you calling Baka!?" "You! Dobe!" Sasuke yelled also hitting Naruto. "Sasuke-Teme!" growled the blonde, Ino sighed and hit both of them in the head saying "Shut up!! Idiots!". The Jonin ignored there childish ways and talked "Yo Yamato long time see!" "Yeah too long!". "You know we really should go find Sakura," Kakashi stated. Hayate's and Genma's eyes widened as they tried to think of a way to talk them out of looking for Sakura "You can't she's uh............ out of town!! That's it. yeah out of town!!!!" they blurt "You should see Lady Hokage first!" Kakashi and Yamato looked at them with a questioning look but brushed it off. "O-kay guys lets turn in the report to Lady Hokage."

As the two men watched the team make there way to the Hokage's tower Genma turned to Hayate. "You really weren't very helpful in that conversation! 'She's out of town really!?" Genma accused Hayate who retorted with "Well she is out of town!? She's coming home this afternoon!"

Genma scratched his head, he really wanted to be there for the reveal.

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