Me Without You

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Author's Note: So, I've had this idea bouncing around in my head for a couple of months now. I wasn't quite sure how to start it, but I think this is a possibly good way to start. WARNING: Strong language and mentions of past homosexual relationships.
Mail Jeevas exhaled heavily and sat down on the cold concrete of a front porch, pausing momentarily to fish his lighter out of his pocket.

"I fucking hate this place." He muttered to himself, flicking a flame to life and holding it up to his cigarette as he inhaled to light it.

The sky lit up in white, a loud booming sound following shortly after that shook the earth as rain pittered softly against the ground.

"It always fucking rains, it never stops. I hate Germany so much."

A shake of a head and a drag off the cigarette, grey-white smoke drifting through the air as he exhaled.

"I don't understand why I still stay."

Another drag and a soft sigh to exhale the smoke in his lungs.

'You know exactly why you stay.' The voice in the back of his head whispered, laced in smug satisfaction and knowing.

"He's not coming back, he said it himself. He's done with me, done with- with-"

The male couldn't bring himself to say it, a soft sob wrenching his heart in two for a moment before he cleared his throat and took another drag off his cigarette.

"Us." He exhaled softly, his shoulders slumping.

Suddenly his cigarette wasn't so appealing.

The redhead flicked it away with an aggravated grunt, watching the red cherry glow as it flew through the air out into the yard to be extinguished by one of the many puddles that had appeared in the yard due to the rain.

"I should move out." Matt groaned as he stood up, dusting his pants off as he turned and looked out the old worn down house. "The Keehl mansion isn't exactly the best place to move on from your ex-lover huh?" The last bit was stated as a question to no one in general, his words whisked away on the wind of the storm.

As Mail walked up to the door a flash of lightning turned the sky and all of it's surroundings white, and a black figure from the corner of his eye caught his attention.

The figure was that of a human, and Mail found himself turning and squinting to get a better look at the figure.

It was approaching him fast, Mail realized after a few moments, and the gamer found himself tensing and fisting his hands at his sides as the urge to fight instead of flight took over his system.

Mail was never one to back down.

"Whose out there!?!" Matt bellowed out into the storm, watching as the figure came closer.

But the figure didn't speak back, it simply kept walking towards him at the same pace as before.

He could see some features of the figure now: a long black coat with fur on the hood.

Black mid-calf boots.

Blond hair and icy blue eyes.

Mail sucked in a breath when the cold orbs focused on him, staring deep into his forest green and twinkling with mischevousness.

It was him.

He was at the stoop of the porch now.

"I'm glad to see you're doing well Matt." The smirk in the stranger's voice was evident, and Mail ground his teeth together to bite back the words that wanted to spill from his throat. "I would have figured you'd tuck tail and run back to England."

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