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I just arrived to school slightly feeling stressed because I woke up late since I slept late last night. I went to my locker. Weird, I saw a sticky note on my locker.

"Hey, hope you're having a great day today dear cutie!! :)
- Hoshi."

Huh? Who the heck is Hoshi? Isn't Hoshi means star in Japanese? I haven't heard of someone from this school with the name Hoshi before. Also, I didn't even know we had Japanese student in this school.

I shrugged it off and opened my locker. My eyes enlarged as I saw my favourite chocolate.

It's just twix but I really love twix so much. How did this person knows my favourite chocolate? Only my bestfriend knows. Is he my stalker or what?

Geez, so creepy.

Is this a poisoned chocolate? Can I eat this? What if he used black magic to curse me once I eat this chocolate?

Nah, chocolate is chocolate. No one can forbid my love for chocolate.

I went to my class and saw Soonyoung smiling widely to me. Soonyoung is my one and only bestfriend. I mean, I don't have any other friends other than him.

"What the heck, you're creepy." I said frostily and he chuckled cutely after that.

"Ooh! Oohhh!! Isn't that your favourite chocolate?!!" He asked feeling excited as he saw me holding the chocolate earlier.

"Yeah, it is." I replied with a smile.

"Weird, you don't usually buy chocolate for yourself unless I gave you money to buy them." He frowned as he stared at me in confusion, I shrugged.

"Someone sticked a sticky note on my locker and gave me this chocolate." I plainly stated and his eyes widened.

"Can I see the note?" He asked. I handed him the sticky note.

"Hoshi?" He furrowed his eyebrows at the same time he wrinkled his forehead.

"This person is creeping me." He remarked and gave me the sticky note back.


another lame story of mine written in 2017, apologize in advance as this book is very cringeworthy

started: may 03, 2017
ended: august 23, 2017

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