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I received a sticky note again today.

"Aww, I didn't expect you to eat the chocolate that I gave you because I thought you might just throw it. I'm so happy :)
- Hoshi."

First of all, I just wanna know either this person is a girl or a boy.

Because if she's a girl, then I'll say that she's gay. If he's a boy, I'll say that he's too childish for doing this.

Soonyoung is the only one who's cute being childish okay?

And second of all, who the heck would throw a chocolate away when it was given for free?

"Yo, yo! You received another sticky note?! Did that person give you something? Come on, open your locker." He said, totally feeling excited.

"You're weird." I frowned and he chuckled in an awkward way. I opened my locker and saw a bubble tea.

"Omo! How did this person knows that you like bubble tea?!" He asked loud enough that I even covered my left ear while making an annoyed face.

"Stop being too loud. You're annoying me." I rolled my eyes before he laughed.

"You're so lucky that you have a secret admirer. I wonder who he is though." He smirked but I quickly shook my head.

"Are you confident that this person is a boy?" I queried raising an eyebrow and he shrugged with an innocent smile.


"I'm just guessing. But I'm very confident that he's a boy. Because he got a messy handwriting." He plainly said resulting him to receive a death glare from me.

"It could be a girl because some girls got a messy handwriting too, okay?" I shook my head and he scratched his head while smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah, yours are one of the example." He teased while smiling cutely but before I could even open my mouth, he covered it with his palm.



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