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What Soonyoung said to me yesterday are stuck in my mind, it was like the scene keep playing repeatedly in my mind.

I saw sticky note on my locker.

"Saw you blushing yesterday, cute >.< If you really wanna know, I'm a boy though B)
- Hoshi."

God. This boy is so damn creepy. I kinda think that this boy is so funny and cute. I mean, giving sticky notes to another person is so cute.

But, when did he saw me blushing? I only blushed when Soonyoung told me that

I'm..... cute....

I went to class and sat beside Soonyoung.

"You're right, he's a boy." I announced.

"Woaaah, see? I told you already that I'm confident he's a boy!" Soonyoung scolded as if he was accusing me that I just did a crime and I was like.. I glared at him.

"Are you mad at me now?" I asked raising an eyebrow and he gave me the apologetic smile.

"This person is just so scary. I don't like it even though I found it cute." I muttered.

"You.. Don't like it?" He tilted his head and I responded him by nodding my head.

"Anyway, how come you said that I'm cuter than you? You're probably kidding me, right." I said soullessly then he shook his head.

"I'm serious, okay. Have I ever lied to my bestfriend?" He questioned raising an eyebrow and I stared at him while blinking my eyes.

"Yeah, you lied to me that day." I squinted my eyes and he squinted his eyes back to me.


"Nah, you haven't." I bursts out into laughter and he glared at me before smacking my right arm softly.


Sticky Notes | Kwon SoonyoungWhere stories live. Discover now