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"Are you mad? I'm sorry if you didn't have the same feelings as I did. But I don't want that to break our friendship :(
- Soonyoung the Hoshi guy."

I sticked it on her locker and went to class.

"Hoshi!" She shouted smiling widely as she usually did to me and I smiled to her. She looked so grumpy yesterday but suddenly.. She's smiling..

"Why did you used Hoshi anyway?" She asked curiously. Heish.. Why did she even ask..

"Because Byul means star at the same time Hoshi means star too." I replied and she nodded.

"I think Hoshi suits you well. It's cute to call you Hoshi, Hoshi." She smiled as she patted my shoulder twice. I flashed her another awkward smile.

Well, it seems like it's obvious that she didn't like or maybe love me. I'm just her bestfriend afterall..

But luckily, I didn't break our friendship despite I just confessed.. Maybe having her as a bestfriend is already enough.


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