Part 3

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I walked inside the conference hall she was already there busy discussing something with a gentlemen.

She was showing him the files when I walked in , she sensed my presence a threw a formal smile at my direction , I forced a smile.

And the meeting started , after an hour or two we got over with it and the deal was seal and we hugged formally more like a stunt to show others that are a happy and normal couple.

She detached herself and after a formal dinner all dispersed,
it was quite late in the night and I had a dinner date with Kim.

I was about to make an exit , when my eyes walked inside her cabin.
She was working relentlessly on her laptop.

Told you guys , machine.
I called her up but she disconnected it and went back to her work.

I was disgusted as well as insulted, but eyes wanted to see her, I turned around , en I caught her shouting on someone over the phone.

I took few steps and she lifted her eyes soon our got latched. she looked away.

Thank you guys plzz, vote it.😊


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