Part 35

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I held her shoulders and was about to hug her tight when. she pushed me a little and craved an arm's distance between us.

" listen to me very carefully randhir.
I m alergic to masculine touches.
And I ... I can't provide you with the pleasure and happiness of a typical wife. so I m sorry!!" she looked away and blinked her tears.

I inched closer and turned the knob of the gas off.
" pancakes!!" I gulped and tossed a pancake on a plate and forwarded it to her.

She kept it aside and mouthed " find a new female partner for ur needs..! Yes that will be awesome for both of us!!" with that my machine came back to her real form.

I smiled and held her hand." have you ever been in love or something like that!!"

She looked away and jerked her hand out of my hold.

" I can only cook for you!" she declared.
I inched closer and wrapped her in a soothing hug.

She struggled hard to break it.
But I kissed her hair.
And chirped , " my dad loved my mom not because she was pretty but cause she made his life look pretty!!"he felt her struggles falling sick.

" I never had a reason to love you sanyukta.
En trust me I have none to leave you either."

Thank you guys plzz, vote it.😊


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