Part 21

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I gulped my words back the next moment.
Machine was standing there numb.
" I m sorry sanyukta!!" I mumbled as she unlatched the door.

" get out!" her voice broke
but I hugged her tight instead.

" I m sorry!!" I pulled her close. she distanced our frames with a jolt and pushed me out of her room
and the door got pasted to the wall.

In front of my eyes.
I walked inside my room.
Kim was standing near the window with a red face.

" ain't I enough to satisfy U...??" she barked.
" hold ur tongue before uttering shits!!" I snapped at her.

" so U are now using that whore to ease ur knots down there!!!" I held my collar.

Then next thing I remember was that I grabbed kim's arms and I dropped her back to her flat.

" you can't break up with me!!!" she shrieked as placed her luggage near the door.

" sorry but I m a married man. I know I was wrong but now I know that its wife who deserves everything I have i m sorry but we are over !" I was firm.
Kim yelled curses at me.

But I was firm , " I m sorry sanyukta!!" I breathed as I accelerated the car.

Thank you guys plzz, vote it.😊


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