Chapter 7- Slutty with a Chance

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That title tho.


My eyes wanted to pop out of my head, roll across the floor and be eaten by a nonexistent dog. At least, then, they would be closed and I would be allowed to focus on something other than this frosty atmosphere. 

My 'parents' sat at the head of our too large table, looking like polished dolls as they watched Dumb ass and I eat. He was a display of perfect manners, knew exactly which fork to use for what non-seasoned steak, which spoon to use for the water they called soup. 

It wasn't Veron's fault, he just had to cook to what Carlisle and Caroline preferred- non spicy, non fattening food. 

And spicy to them was anything with salt. Forgive me Lord, but I just wanted to shake pepper in their eyes so I could season my fucking food. 

"So, Barnabas, I hope tutoring Circe hasn't been too much of a trouble?" Caroline preened, snobbish side glance and all. "We know she can be...difficult." 

Dumb ass gave me a look before swallowing his dry chicken (FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WOULD THEY EAT ANYTHING RIGHT?). He smiled, teeth white and pearly. 

"Difficult? That's a tame term for her" He rolled his neck, thinking of another word best to describe me. Please, wow me with your vocabulary. I sighed and pushed more greens around my plate, waiting for his continuation. 

"She's quite smart- just in a different way than most of society would consider normal's more of a knowledge of people. Knowing how to make them get angry instantly, or use what talents she has to manipulate everyone. You must have your hands full." 

I was amazed. He had actually paid attention to the way I acted- and hadn't been a dickwad to my parents about me. Although, he did still want something from my father, so there was that too. Caroline appeared astonished too- her tutor knew more about her 'daughter' than she did. 

Carlisle laughed, nodding. "Yes. She is all those things. She seemed to have a knack for making people think certain things ever since she was smaller." 

I rolled my eyes and put my fork down. "As if you paid me enough attention to care." I deadpanned, waving to Jerry who was watching with a blank face. That was what he specialized at- being the eyes and hands, but seeing and doing nothing. Well, when my parents were there anyway. 

He gave me a sympathetic smile and took my plate, setting a cup of hot chocolate in front of me too. Awh, he knew me so well. There was a silence at the table, one that was filled with ice from my 'parents' and apathy from Dumas. I sat still and sipped my drink, inclining my head. 

"Go on, I'd like to hear more about your day." Add an equally as repentant smile with feigned interest, Caroline was off, chattering about one of her mindless friends and how they had gotten the wrong shade of aqua on their two hundred dollar nails. Such horror, such pain. 

Dumas suffered it with a quiet dignity, one that was by far more polished than most I had seen. Not a crack in sight. 

Carlisle turned his attention off me- as he had done many a time before- and spoke with Dumas about things I didn't give a shit about. That was, until, Dumas mentioned my date. 

"By the way, does Circe work at the company?" 

Carlisle glanced my way with a raised brow. "No, why?" 

Dumas cocked his head to the side, genuine confusion on his face. "Then who was the blonde haired man who came to pick her up after our lesson?" 

Fuck. Me. Caroline and Carlisle both snapped their porcelain faces to me instantly, fire in their eyes. And that fucking Dumas, he gave me a smirk that set fire to any sort of goodness I had felt towards him- no matter how minuscule it was. 

"What? Circe, answer the question immediately." 

Lucky for me, I had a knack for lying. Almost as good as I had for manipulating people. I foreced a light laugh, brushing it off. "I didn't want to tell you, but he's another tutor I hired. He's the brother of one of my friend's and is in university- he offered to help me out after he found out about my...problems." 

If I had my way, he would be helping me with much more personal problems. Dumas's smile faded quickly as he watched Carlisle brighten up, soaking up my lies like a sponge. "Really? Why did you hire another one?"

I twirled a finger in my hair, not meeting their eyes with feigned embarrassment. "I didn't want Barnabas to think badly of me...He's the most popular boy in school and my reputation is already horrible. Is it so bad if I want to look good in front of him?" 

My 'parents' were silent for a few moments before speaking. "No, it's not bad. Good on you Circe, for trying to become better. For trying to fit the image this family presents."

I looked up slowly, nodding solemnly, tears welling up in my eyes. I refused to look at Dumas and hid a laugh in a cough, moving my gaze to Carlisle's. "Can I leave? I'm really much too embarrassed to be sitting in front of Barnabas now." 

Caroline nodded immediately, sympathy on her perfect face. I stood and left, turning back to Dumas when my parents couldn't see me. The shock on his face was clear and I grinned. 

Grinned even wider when my parents spoke. "We should have known. She was acting out because of a boy- how obvious. Well, at least keeping Barnabas as her tutor will make her stay on track." 

Barnabas shut his mouth and gave me a glare. He should be grateful- not only had I saved him from being fired, but also practically guaranteed him whatever Carlisle would give him. And, I had also saved Vincent. 

I blew him a kiss, then walked to my room, fist pumping into the air. 

He thought he could blindside me? 

I'm a genius. No one can outsmart me. 

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