Chapter 15- Busy Thinking Bout Boobs

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Literally only watched that video for Jay Park and Taka. 

waddup peeps. 


We got to my dorm room around an hour later, after Carla and I had went to get some food- since it was late in the afternoon and I had been driving for four hours. She had filled me in on our dorm, Oakhill, that was made for the 'elite' of the school, and usually never admitted first years. 

Extension students usually went to another dorm until they could keep up with the Oakhill residents, who were all second and third year students with a smattering of strengths. Carla herself was in biomedical science, but still hadn't decided what she wanted to be specifically. Her girlfriend, Erica Elkenov, was on a full ride athletics scholarship and was doing a double degree in sport performance and athletic training. Judging by how decorated they both were, they would have any choice of job by the time they left College. 

Destructo, Nikhil, was in our dorm also, and was also doing a double degree like his sister; international security and commercial law. He also ran the mixed martial arts club here, and was a well known fighter in most colleges. 

I had never really thought about what I wanted to be when I grew up. Well, grew more.  I was just a girl that was good at maths. 

"So, I get that you're good at maths- but like how good? We have a guy here who is studying to be a neuroscientist and is insanely good at maths." Carla sat back on my bed, crossing her velvet booted legs. 

I sat down at my newly moved desk and gamer chair, its familiarity cushioning me. "I'm good at maths. I'm good at physics too, but that's accounted for since it's basically maths. I guess I like numbers, and they like me. That's about it."

Carla raised a pink brow, blue eyes narrowing. "Obviously they don't just like you if you're in Oakhill Dorm. And I can tell you're smart, I saw the way you listened to those physics nerds when we walked past them. Just be straight with me- aha, get it, cause I'm gay- but just how smart are you?"

I sighed, kicking off my converse. "I have an IQ of 146. Last time I checked, at least." 

Her mouth dropped open, and she stared at me with the most dumbfounded expression I almost laughed. "Shit. Holy fucking shit. Holy fucking mother of God. You're not just smart, you're a fucking genius."

I waved her off, then fell off my chair when a head popped into the door. 

"Who's a genius?" 

Carla immediately jumped up then pulled an Amazonian tall woman into the room, jumping up onto her and pulling her close in a heart melting kiss. 

It was so cute. And made me feel so much sinterness. Sinterness is single bitterness, something I had experienced ever since I was younger. 

The muscled woman held her 'melanin queen', as I had heard instagram call ebony women, defined arms flexing as she kissed her girlfriend back with just as much gusto. Carla was a walking surprise. 

A woman, a lesbian and African American who was a Student Government President? She was kick ass and kicked all narrow minded people's asses. Half the people from my home city would be going into cardiac arrest if they saw her. 

Carla took a breath, leaning back from her lover and gesturing to me. "That sickly looking girl on the floor."

I waved, smiling. "Hi. I usually look extremely sleep deprived, so sickly is a plus for me." 

The woman laughed, putting her girlfriend back onto the floor, but keeping an arm securely around her waist. "Hey Sickly. I'm Erica." 

I shook her hand, wincing from the strength of her grip, before looking them both up and down. "You guys are one good looking couple." 

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