Chapter Thirteen

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Keith looks out of the front seat's window, watching as they pass buildings, people and cars. It's 8 am and the morning breeze feels great as it brushes against Keith's skin and as it runs through his hair. It's nice to sit back and relax after that crazy hell of a week he's been through. They're on their way to the camp site with Pidge and Hunk at the back and Shiro behind the wheel, much to Keith's disapproval.

"I'm coming with you." Shiro said as Keith pulls his back pack higher on his shoulders. "There's no way I'm letting all of you go into that forest without anyone to supervise. What if one of you gets lost?"

Keith rolls his eyes while walking towards Hunk and Pidge standing beside Shiro's black car. "It's okay, Shiro. We may be young, but we aren't kids anymore. If you're worried about the car, don't be. We won't break it."

"Does your parents even know about this?"

"Uh," Hunk says. "I told her it was a school activity. But I never told her about Lance."

"Same." Pidge says.

"You guys still need someone to look after you."

Keith groans as he opens the car's trunk,then dumps his back pack in it beside Hunk and Pidge's. "We'll be fine."

"I don't know, Keith. I like it better when Shiro's around."

"I'm with Hunk. I feel safer when your "impulse control" is around."

"My what now?"

"Sorry, Keith. The jury has spoken. By the way, I'm afraid we haven't properly introduced ourselves to each other." Shiro extends a hand for the two to shake. "I'm Shiro. You all know me from the Altean Café."

Pidge is the first to accept his hand. "My name is Pidge. I love the green tea you serve back there. It always calms my nerves everytime there's exams week."

"I'm Hunk. I love everything in your café. The lights, the tables, the decorations, the food, the people, the—"

"I think he gets it, Hunk." The ghost says with a laugh.

"—drinks, everything! Pidge, Lance and I always hang out there in our early high school years."

"I'm glad that my small café has served well with my customers."

"So," Pidge adjusts their glasses. "Are you two related by blood?"

"Yeah, are you? You guys seem very close to each other."

"Well, uh." Shiro scratches the back of his head. "I'm just his—"

"We may not be related by blood, but he's like a brother to me." Keith says, making direct contact to Shiro who smiles in return. "Get in the car, old man."

Keith smiles to himself as he sticks his hand out of the window, feeling the rushing air in the spaces betwix his fingers. He had never felt this liberated before. Like a caged bird who—

"Keith, put your damn hand back in the car!"

He rolls his eyes. "What are you? My mom?"

"No, I'm your over protective brother." He ruffles his hair. "Now, am I?"

The short boy chuckles. "Stop it or I'll cut your ridiculous white hair floof off your head!"

"You wouldn't dare!"

The ghost laughs, "You two are so adorable."

"You guys are cute when, you know, you aren't shouting at the top of your lungs." Hunk says from the back seat.

"Oh, yeah. . .haha. Sorry again for what I did back there. I shouldn't have scared you guys like that."

"It's okay, I got over it. I do have to man up if we ever find Lance's. . ."

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