A Very Cr@ppy Storry Indeed

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" The story of Tutalina and the Land of Tutus went like this:

        In a land far away called "The Land of Tutus" there was a pink kingdom. Yes, pink. Anyway, there was this kingdom and this royal family and a sh*t load of people in this village like land. So one day, the young princess named Tutalina, no idea why her parents named her that, wanted to exploe the village by herself but forgot something very important, her tutu! So she returned to the castle and ran to her room, which was quite a sight. All over the room were billions of freaking tutus, she could practically open a museum dedicated to tutus only! Back to the story, Tutalina whent to her bed got the bigggest tutu she owned and her tutu crown so people could know she was a princess. After seeing her parents they had this "heart to heart chat" which was really just her parents depressed about her leaving and her saying that she was a big girl because she was 7 and blah blah blah. An hour later, Tutalina was walking in the grassy field that grew pink wishing flowers until she stop, seeing a purple unicorn looking at her. Tutalina was scared but the saw that this thing had a pink tutu and a tutu crown just like her, meaning that this thing was from the Tutu Heavens. She talked with the unicorn for a long time when suddenly this guy dressed in a black cloak riding a black unicorn came toward them. This scared the cr*ap out of Tutalina and the Pony, the name of the princess unicorn. Pony soon made Tutalina get on her back and out of nowehere she had some big @ss wings. But wait, isnt she just a unicorn. Well my dear friend, being the unicorn princess of the Tutu Heavens has its perks. So like she started flying into the sky towards Tutalina's kingdom. Tutalina looked back and saw that the man in the black coak was her evil cousin who also had a flying unicorn thingy. She was uber  confused and asked Pony "whats up with that" Pony explained her life story to her as they flew, reaching the castle. Tutalina found out about some magigal wizards put a curse on Pony's family and that ment drama and some other stuff she couldn't understand. Both riders and magic flying unicorn things crashed into the castle. The king and queen were pissed when they saw Henry, the evil, evil man that was chasing Tutalina. I bet you were expecting his name to be something like Chasser or sumthing huh? If you dont know what Chasse means, look it up. So anyway, the king and queen put Henry in his place by making him the Royal jester, Pony turned out to be a human girl with lavander prple hair and green eyes that could transform into this magic thing she was and guess what? She's the same age as Tutalina but just a bit more mature. So the two princesses became BFFs and yeah... the end. So, what do you think?"

"That was a very cr*ppy stor indeed"

"Told ya so."

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