His Tale Will Forever Be Told

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Zeus feared only one person, Alexx.

Zeus and Alexx one day made a bet to see who could win at acting the best. Zeus, being the king of the gods, believed he already won once he finished his act, but once he saw Alexx's act, he was disappointed.

"So Alexx, since you won the bet, what would you like to have as a prize?"

Alexx already knew he was going to win so he had a plan. "Give me powers equal to yours," he announced.

Zeus was shocked since no one has dared to ask him this before. Keeping to his word, he gave Alexx powers equally to his own and left to Mount Olympus.

The next month he finds Alexx again and greets him.

"Alexx, my dear boy, how are you?"

"Amazing thanks to these powers. Am i now considered a god Zeus?"

Once again, Zeus was shocked but answered his question.

"No Alexx, you are not a god."

THis made Alexx furious so he used a perusuasion trick he learned with his powers.

"Sell me your son Ares for 1 peice of silver and leave the earth, never to return!"

Zeus did as he was told and sold his son for 1 peice of silver and never came to the earth again.

Ares was scared and confused, all thanks to the powers of Alexx. He would go to a corner oncehis eyes landed on Alexx. His fear grew more and more each day. Alexx knew what had to be done so when Ares was to scared, deathly afraid of Alexx, he slit his throat, killed him, and drank his fear-filled god blood.

Alexx felt the power of others' fear give him strength so when he was done, he went straight for Mount Olympus, bringing Ares' head with him.

Zeus and Artemis saw him enter through the gates and were about to great him when they saw Ares' head in his hands. All the gods and goddesses were called and brought to the main room. Alexx used their fear as strength and killed every god, leaving only the goddesses alive.

After drinking the blood of all the gods, he seduced all the goddesses and made them sell their bodies for sex and money. They knew that what they did wasn't right but they became deeply "in love" with Alexx, saying his skin as smooth as ivory velvet, his blueeyes darker than any sea, and his hair as black as a raven. They admired him and made him immortal. He was pleased, his plan succeded.

He was now the ultimate god and pimp.

His story will never be forgoten...

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