"Angels and Devils"

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"Hey, Honoka,"

Hoseki called from downstairs, waving a letter in her hand.

"There's a letter for you, it's from Rin."

"Thanks, Seki-chan,"

Honoka came down the stairs and took the letter from the bronze-haired girl, opening it in an instant.

"Why would Rin-chan contact me though?"

Her blue eyes followed the words down the page and slowly, they widened.

"Seki-chan...we have to go back to Akihabara."

"Bu-But what about the bakery?"

"We'll come back for it, but we have to leave, pronto."

Honoka started sprinting up the stairs, leaving Hoseki in a bewildered state.

She had never seen Honoka run like that before.


"I'll answer your questions later, just get packing! We'll leave first thing in the morning!"


[Next morning]


"Yes, Kotori-chan?"

"Where...are we going?"


Honoka hoisted the luggages into the taxi with the help of the driver and got into the vehicle.

Hoseki plopped herself down beside Kotori, who had her yellow pillow in hand while Honoka told the driver their destination.


"Rin-chan is meeting us at the airport. In Akihabara."


"...She might have found Umi-chan's whereabouts."


[In The Plane ✈]

"Luckily Rin-chan actually booked us on this flight, if not we'd never arrive in Akihabara today."

Honoka explained to Hoseki who was sitting next to the window in the airplane. Kotori was on Honoka's left, sleeping peacefully into her yellow pillow, the Umi plushie she had taken from Honoka's house safely tucked in her arms.

Please let Umi-chan be okay.

Honoka prayed and looked out the window, trying to not mind the fact that seconds after she had talked to her, Hoseki was sleeping.

Hoseki sleeps really suddenly and she can sleep anywhere.

That was the only thing that seemed to be similar between Honoka and Hoseki.

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