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Nozomi had to cling on for dear life as Eli sprang over bushes and in between trees faster than her eyes could follow.

"E-Elichi...do you mind slowing down a little?"

Eli didn't reply, her baby blue eyes concentrated on navigating their way through the forest.


The blonde continued crashing her way through undergrowth, too absorbed in tracking her partners to hear what Nozomi had to say.

The spiritualist had no choice but to hang on as tightly as she could as the large wolf flew past trunks and leaves, before finally stopping at a clearing.

Eli put her head down, level to the ground, and sniffed about keenly, trying to detect the scent of her partners.

Or pack members, she would prefer to call them.

Not by her own devices, but that tiny voice inside her head did.

"Someone else was here..."

Eli lifted her head up again, and scanned her surroundings.

"...a familiar scent...but I can't pinpoint who exactly it is..."

Nozomi gently patted the wolf's back, in an attempt to calm her down when she noticed Eli's anxiety.

In response, the blonde wolf bristled her fur a little, tickling Nozomi's legs in the process.


She giggled and wiggled in place, and Eli grunted, putting her paw down to signal silence.


Nozomi forced herself to keep quiet and she rested a soft hand on the part Russian's head.

"What is it?"

The wolf's head shifted to look at her from the corner of her eye.

"Hey, Nozomi...it's destiny that we met again right?"

Eli's baby blue eyes met her turquoise ones and the purplette couldn't help but smile.

"Of course, Elichi."

The wolf averted her eyes and her voice went lower than it already was, a harsher, colder tone.

"Then I guess it's destiny that we grow apart once more."


"I'm sorry, I was not on time. Quick, get off me and run elsewhere. Very, very far from me."

"Elichi wa-"

"Just do it."

Her baby blue eyes grew lighter and her pupils contracted, her fur losing its blonde tint as well.

Nozomi, slightly worried for her, climbed off Eli's back and set herself down on the ground, standing in front of the giant wolf.

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