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It's weird how I'm trusting seven strange men more than my childhood friend.
I knew they wouldn't harm me, because people would end up finding out, but I just felt nervous. Here I am, sitting in their hotel room, as they were trying to clean up their stuff and make the couch comfy enough to sleep on it.
"You're quiet," Jungkook sat next to me.
"I'm thinking..." I looked at the other guys, but my eyes seemed to always trail to Suga.
"About what?" He hummed, then smirked, "are you thinking about one of the guys?"
"No... I'm thinking about what I'll do, now that I'm alone," I rolled my eyes at him.
"But you're not alone," he argued.
Suga walked over, and I never realized how much my heart sped up as the white haired male got closer.
Biting my tongue so I wouldn't smile, I nodded to say hi.

"Your wrist okay?" Of course, he showed no sign of emotion.
"It's fine. It's just sore," I mumbled, looking down to hide my blush. He shrugged it off and left, grabbing some extra pillows and blankets for the couch.
"I think Yoongi likes you," Jungkook snickered, poking my red cheeks. I thought Suga and the others were making the couch for me, but Suga instantly laid down, falling asleep quickly, despite the yelling from the guys.

"Nah. I'm probably another burden to him, another person to just take up sleeping spots," I joked, not laying down, since I didn't want to seem rude. Plus, I didn't want to lay down. I didn't want the day to end. Staring at my swollen wrist, my heart hurt more than anything. Jack was really the one who stayed next to me, who never judged me either.

"Do you need ice, (Y/n)-ah?" Jimin kneeled next to me, holding out a small, cute ice-pack. "Thank you!" I gently grabbed the back, not giving a second thought when out hands touched. He had a deep red tint on his cheeks, and walked away, obviously off to bug Suga.

"FUCK OFF!" I heard Suga and heard a thump, seeing the two hitting each other with pillows.

"That's (Y/n)-ah's spot!" Jimin complained.

"If she wants the spot, she can lay with me. I'm not moving and sleeping on the floor, again,' Suga grumbled, facing away from Jimin, making eye contact with me for a split second before closing his eyes.

"You can have the bed," Jin walked up, pointing to the nicely made bed, a gentle smile on his lips.

"No, no. I'm good. I'll just go get my own hotel room," I stood up, grabbing my phone.

"Sit back down," Jin huffed. "You don't need to get your own room. We don't mind that you're here."


"Both of you shut your damn mouths! I'm trying to sleep," Suga complained, covering his head with a blanket. I giggled, shifting uncomfortably in my spot.

"It's late, and we have a concert tomorrow. Please lay down," Jungkook begged, giving me cute puppy dog eyes.

"You can have my bed, (Y/n)-ah!" Jimin instantly offered, cleaning up the bed I was sitting on, taking his suitcase off the pillows.

"I'll just sleep on the floor," I hopped off the bed, heading to the living room area in the suite and laid down next to the couch, laying my head on my arms.

Right as I was about to fall asleep, I felt someone gently lift my head, slipping a pillow under it, and covering my body with a blanket.

"Good night, (Y/n)," someone pet my hair, then left, probably heading to sleep themselves.

I'm going to try continuing this book. Someone likes it and I know how much it sucks when a book you like is discontinued.

As Sweet As Suga | m. ygWhere stories live. Discover now