;; Memories. ;;

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I walked inside, seeing familiar faces all around. Ian, Syn, LilTom, so on, and so on. I walked over to my seat, where Lotprince, Toosh, and Cres were already sitting at. We all stared each other for quite some time.

Before Toosh decided to break the ice and say-- " Man, my old school was wayyy better. We had homeroom before starting any actual work." Cres responded with, " That sucks for you. I have nothing to compare this school to. I've lived my entire life here. " " Well, not like there's anything I can do," Toosh said, with an anticlimactic sigh.

Ms. Eleni had walked in and waved to all the students, cutting our little chit-chat short. " Hello, hello! It's me, ya' girl Eleni!" I could feel everyone cringing as she said that. " Today we're gonna be talkin' bout abbreviations! LOL! An abbreviation is when someone shortens a certain amount of words together, like LMAO or TBH or IMO, to make a shortened new word!  Pretty rad, dude!"

Sadly enough, that wasn't what happened. I was daydreaming. 

Ms. Eleni was instead teaching us about suicide prevention. What someone might do or say before they commit suicide, warnings, how to talk someone out of it, all that. I looked around the room and saw distressed faces, as if they didn't want to learn about this subject, but didn't wanna say anything. The bell rang.  " So, that's all for this period. You have some time before your next period, so get ready!" Ms. Eleni said, trying to still have that feel-good vibe going on. 

We all walked out, and while I did, I took out my schedule, and we had Ms. Wubz for history in around 7 minutes. A couple of people waved to me, and I waved back.  I wanted to talk to Ian, when I asked him if he was friends with Fursame, he seemed a bit nervous.

Nah, it was probably because she killed herself... That can leave an impact on people. I don't wanna pressure anybody, especially because of what happened. 

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