;; The questions. ;;

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I arrived at school, hoping it was a dream. Someone at our school killed themselves? Not likely.

But it was real.

Fursame's locker wasn't far from the entrance, so I could see all the little notes attached to her locker. Flowers, toys, in memory of the girl who killed herself. We all knew how she killed herself, but why?

 I checked the clock in the hallways, and it was 6:42. A little time to get my thoughts together. Fursame would have this running gag, where she would act like she was suicidal. We all made jokes about it, and we all laughed it off. But, she wasn't joking. She had killed herself yesterday, around 2 pm in the afternoon. Why? That was the question we were all asking. I looked around, for anywhere I could sit. I heard someone shout, "Teen! Teen Slasher! Over here!"

I looked to where the voice was coming from, and it was Ian. " Sit with me! " Ian shouted, waving in my direction from the bench. "A-alright.." I nervously said, walking over to him. I sat down, and Ian immediatly asked me, " Are you alright? I knew you and Fursame were good friends. " I looked at Ian and responded with, " Yeah, I'm alright. What about you? Weren't you two friends, too?" Ian sighed, and said, " Yeah, we were. Anyw--" Interuppting our conversation, the 1st bell rang.  Ian shook his head quickly, and said, " Well, see ya later, skater!" And with that, he jumped off the bench, and skipped away. 

I put my hand in my pocket, searching for my schedule. I always keep on forgetting, shit. . I eventually took it out, and looked at the first period. English with Ms. Eleni. I walked over to English, and walked in.

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