Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Omg Chels the new kid is sooo cute!" Jazzmine gushed

"Huh yeah sure.."

"What do you mean sure! He's totally dropped dead gorgeous, you should ask him to homecoming!"

"I would never in a million years ask him to homecoming!" I lied "I told you this already I'm not a relationship/date type person."

"But it's not a date it's just a 'hey you wanna go to homecoming with me? like a friend though nothing more' thing" She insisted

"I don't know if I'm ready to do this. I never took a boy out to a dance before." I told her

"Oh right.. Well just give it a try, I mean what's the worst thing that can happen" she begged

"Well I don't know he can totally reject me or laugh in my face.. He could even have a girlfriend for all I know; the possibilities are endless." "Plus I don't even know him, we never even talked and what if he's a total jerk?"

"You wouldn't know unless you actually go up and talk to him" "You should at least try to be friends with him" she countered

"Jazzmine, do you remember what happened with Tyler?" I asked

"Ugh I remember! but, that was almost 3 years ago! I think it's time for you to move on and be happy again.." She argued

Memories flooded back to 9th grade when Tyler Jameson broke my heart.

~Flashback starts~



It was our 1 year anniversary and I wanted to surprise my boyfriend Tyler so I decided to just spend the day at his house.

I walked over to his house and saw the front door open, which was odd considering his door is almost always closed. But based on how excited I was, I didn't think too much of it. I quick tiptoed up the stairs and gently cracked open the door to see if he was there and surely he was there but he had company. You wouldn't believe who it was.. Morgan indeed, they sat on his bed making out while she was tugging on his hair. Right then and there I could feel the hot tears stream down my face, I ran out the house crying and my blurry vision took me back home, where I fell asleep with dark thoughts around me.



~Flashback Ends~

I remembered breaking up with him the next day and it didn't even bother him. Later that week Morgan and Tyler became a "thing". Surprisingly they didn't even last 4 days, guess they were just fuck buddies. He even tried to get back with me, that earned him a kick where the sun doesn't shine. I don't talk to Tyler anymore but I do see him roaming around school a lot. I try to ignore him but it seems like he never gets off my mind.

"He was such an idiot for breaking your heart and choosing Morgan over you I mean you're so much better but that doesn't mean you can't give Luke a chance! It's been nearly 3 years I think you're ready!" Jazzmine exclaimed

"Maybe" I replied doubting the outcome


Looks like Luke is in every one of my classes. Well isn't that just grand!

Maybe Jazzmine was right I should give him a chance, I mean he hasn't done anything that would make me second guess.

I should just stop worrying about the past it was 2 and a half years ago, ancient, but somethings stopping me, something called fear.



A/N: I know, I know still short but how was it guys? OMG I don't know if I'm proud of myself for this chapter! Am I going the right direction? Hmm ily all you guys and remember to vote! Every single one means the world to me bye bye :)

Edited 01/14/16

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