Welcome to Rosewood Bitch

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Chapter 6 - Welcome to Rosewood Bitch

It's date night in Rosewood and Britney and Noel are sitting in an Italian restaurant talking about the latest events in Rosewood which mainly is about the death of Alison Dilaurentis.

"Everyone at school thinks Jason did it, well either him or..." Noel says.

"Or who?" I ask.

"Well... you, Spencer, Hanna, Aria and Emily."

"Of course they would think that, we were the closest people to her."

"Yeah I mean it's just speculation but we all know Jason had a few problems, especially with Alison. That family had so many issues. Do you remember when Ali and her mum had that rowing fight at the town hall event 2 years ago, that was something." Noel says, amazed.

"Yeah, it was something."

"Also, don't you think the funeral was really packed, I was really surprised so many people from school came, the whole two rows behind me in the church were filled with people who she bullied. I bet you they were there just to make sure she was really dead."

Britney zoned out a little, as Noel went on to talk about his theory of what happened, including Ali faking her death and running away with some lifeguard.

Britney suddenly noticed someone staring from the other side of the street outside the restaurant, she realised it was Jason.

He was just standing there, staring at her. She turned back to Noel and asked him if he wanted to come back to hers, she said she was feeling a little unwell.

So her and Noel went back to hers and while Noel set a movie up, Britney stared out her front window, looking down the empty street, making sure Jason didn't follow them back to her house.

She joins Noel on the couch and she cuddles up to him, his arm around her, she rests her head against his chest and they fall asleep watching a movie.

The next morning, Britney and Noel head to school together as Noel stayed the night. The school seat themselves in the main hall, for the memorial for Alison. Britney sits herself next to Aria, Spencer, Emily and Hanna.

The headmaster quietens everyone down. "Today we remember the most bright, cheerful, kind, generous girl. Today we remember her as someone who was always there to help others if they needed it and she was especially kind and was very involved with charities in Rosewood and in school activities. We will all miss her very much." Hmm maybe not everyone will miss her.

"looked around the room and saw Jenna, smirking a little. Suddenly Emily got up and rushed out of the hall, looking upset. So me and the girls quickly followed her. And of course everyone stared at us. We were the famous friends of Alison and only known for that and nothing else unfortunately.

We followed Emily into the girls toilets and asked her what was wrong. "It's Ali, I told her I loved her and she ... " Emily started to sob. She cleared her throat and said. "She led me on, we kissed and then she told me she would keep it a secret and then she used it against me. What he said in there. None of it's true. She wasn't kind, she wasn't generous and she wasn't a good friend, she ruined me. But I loved her and she never loved me back, not even as a friend. I still love her." Emily burst into tears and the girls gathered around her comforting her.

"Your not the only one Emily." Spencer spoke "Ali manipulated us all, she knew everything about all of us and used it. She never loved any of us."

We all looked at each other sadly. "A killed Ali, right? That's what we're all thinking, right?" Britney asked the girls.

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