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"So is there anything you would like to tell me about you and Stokeley?" Indya asked me.

We were currently sitting in my room while she helped me flat iron my hair in my dresser mirror.

"What are you talking about?"

"You wanna tell me why the two of you been hanging out so much a lot lately ?"

These past few days Stokeley and I had been meeting up at our secret place in my backyard, and going for long walks throughout the days and chilling at the park every single day.

Each day we were learning more and more about each other and we were just beginning to bring the goofiness out of each other.

Indeed, we were getting close and I was now considering him as a very close friend.

"Um we're friends" I tell her answering her question.

"You two screwing around?"

"No! Why every time me and him hang out you guys think we're having sex. Like gosh, I can't have any regular guy friends?"

"Because Jah told me how he was."

"Yeah? How is he?" I ask her getting annoyed.

"He told me he wont hang around with no female for that long unless he's fucking her"

"Thats not true and he doesn't know what he's talking about. Just because Jahseh is screwing you, doesn't mean Stoke is screwing me.."

"Yeeess girl he be slanging that dagger dick, my little ass be trying to keep up though"

"Indya ew, come on.. Are you guys even dating?"

"We're taking things slow"


"Anndddd... done" She says running her fingers through my now straightened hair.

"Thanks sis"

"No problem"

I got dressed up in something nice and professional before Indya dropped me off to 'Red Lobsters' Restaurant for this job interview in our mom's car.

"So Ms.Montgomery, Why should we hire you?" The job manager asked.

"Because I need a job...?" I said unsure of what to say.

"Okay.. We'll give you a call if you got the job" He said dismissing me.

I nodded and got up off the chair. I exited the Restaurant and pulled out my phone about to call Indya to come pick me up when I read her text message I had received 10 minutes ago.

Indya🙄💙👯- catch a cab or take the bus. Im out with Lala for the day      3:51 p.m

I groaned and looked up the time the first bus to the city would be coming. That one wont come until 6 P.m and I didn't have enough money for a cab.

I scrolled through my contacts and had no choice but to text him.

To Stokey Pokey😎🔥- Hey, could you come get me? Im in the city stuck without a ride. 3:59 p.m

Usually I would've just walked but I'll be damned if I walked 3 miles in some damn high heels all the way home that were already killing my feet.

After waiting a good 10 minutes Stokeley came and picked me up from some small coffee place.

I got in on the passenger's side and immediately took off my heels.

"Where am I taking you?" He asked me once I closed the door.

"Um, what are you about to do?"  I ask him.

"Go home and chill"

"Can I come?.... pleeaassee" I begged.

He chuckled and nodded.

I didn't want to go home because today was my mom's day off from work and I couldn't stand being around her alone knowing what my dad was doing behind her back, and it killed me knowing that I couldn't tell her because I didn't want their marriage to end.

We ended up in the front of a nice sized white house. This was actually my first time ever coming to his house.

He cut the engine and got out. I only opened my door and just sat there.

"You coming?" He asked stopping once he noticed I wasn't getting out of the car.

"Um I dont have any shoes on and Im not putting those heels back on"

"So what you want me to do? Carry you?" He laughed.

I straight faced him.

He kissed his teeth when he realized that's exactly what I wanted him to do.He came back to the car on my side and picked me up bridal style.

"Okay, Stokeley strong" I said giving his arm a small squeeze as he carried me up the driveway.

"Cut that shit out" He said making me laugh.

He unlocked the front door and walked in, setting me back down on my feet. I closed the door behind me and looked around.

Surprisingly his house was actually nice, it was so nice it looked almost as if a female decorated it.

"Wow. This you?" I asked referring to his house.

"Surprised?" He asked throwing his keys on the table.

"Very" I laughed.

I went and plopped down on the couch. Not soon after he joined me.

"Wanna play some mortal combat?" He asked looking at me.

I smirked at him and nodded.

"Lets get it"

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