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8 o'clock rolled around but my mom was still awake.  I sat in my bed and sent Stokeley a text, letting him know I probably wouldn't be able to come out to our spot tonight.

He sent me back a 'K' and I sighed locking my phone back.

Indya was in her room on the phone with probably Jahseh. And I had nothing else to do.

I looked at myself through my dresser mirror and just stared at the girl who was staring back at me.

I got up and walked over to my dresser. My hair and my eyes were the only things that made me feel pretty.

I pulled off my shirt and stared at the upper part of my body. It looked so ugly to me. Mainly because I grew up to  hate my body. I grew up only to hate the skin that I was in.

I use to wish every night that I was someone else or in someone else's body.

There was a knock at my door and then my mom's head popped in. I quickly pulled my shirt up to my breast to cover myself up.

"Im going to bed. I made dinner but you haven't ate yet, so I put your food in the microwave in case you got hungry." She said.

I nodded slowly.

She gave me a small smile and closed my door back.

I quickly got together some clothes then rushed into my bathroom for a shower. I took a 10 minute shower then got out.

I dried off and rushed to put on my clothes.

I turned off my room light and snuck out of the room.

The light to my parent's room were off and their door was shut, so I went downstairs quietly and slipped out through the back door.

I found myself walking through the trail I was familiar with in the woods. I took a left and ended up to the river.

There Stokeley was sitting on the rock, throwing tiny rocks into the water.

A slight feeling of nervousness took over my body as I walked up to him.

I came and sat next to him.

He looked at me and his eyes lit up when he saw me.

"I thought you weren't coming" He said.

"My mom just went to sleep so here I am" I said smiling.

"Good" He said.

"You like hanging out with me, don't you?"

"tsss. No" He said.

"Yeah you do" I cheesed.

"You're a little annoying sometimes" He said.

"Get the fuck out" I said as we shared a laugh.

"Can I tell you something?" I ask him.


"I have this secret, that I feel like I can share with you one day" I tell him.

He stops smiling and look away towards the water.

"Does anyone else know this secret?"

"No. Not even my sister"

"Why do you feel like you can share that secret with me before your own sister?"

"I dunno. I just feel like I can trust you more"

"But you knew your sister longer"

"But me and you click more"

"Thats true" He nodded.

"Have you ever been to jail?" I blurted.

He looked at me and arched his eyebrows.

"Why you asking that?"

"Just a question."

"Who told you?"

I looked down at my hands and played with my fingers.

"My mom.." I trailed off.

"I've been a couple times. For dumb shit. Dont be scared though I didn't kill anyone" He said laughing a little.

"Yet" He then added.

I laughed hoping that was apart of the joke too. We sat and listened to the water.

Every time we were around each other we had this little silent moment that we both enjoyed. I could sit in silence all day and be comfortable with the presence of him next to me.

"My mom doesn't want me hanging with you anymore" I mumbled.

He looked at me.

"Because of who I am?" He asked.

I nodded.

He looked away and started fiddling with his fingers.

"Im not though. You're a great friend and I have to keep you around. Ive never met anyone like you that had the same vibe and almost mindset as me"

"I know what you mean. Ive never met a girl like you either." He said.

"Im surprised you let me in, almost so easily" He said.

"I could say the same about you."


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