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Sydd's POV

Five Years Later

"Chassidy!" I called waiting on her downstairs.

"Yes mommy?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"Cmon we gotta go to the store to get some milk, for your cereal." I said glancing at the TV where I saw the same commercial of Tray playing again.

I know what y'all are thinking, and yes I ended up pregnant after losing my virginity to Tray. A few weeks after we had sex, and I moved, I had to tell my dad.

When I told him, he was mad but he didn't kick me out like you would think. He's helped me as much as he could, since he was still in the military.

I got a job as a dance choreographer, for certain celebrities. On the other hand, I never got in touch with Tray to tell him that I was pregnant.

Tray's modeling and acting now, and I don't wanna mess up what he's got going on up. He probably doesn't care about us anyway.

After I got enough money, I moved back to Georgia since I got my studio there. "I don't want cereal." She whined.

"Than what do you want?" I asked in a sigh.

"I want a daddy." She said making my heart hurt.

"Pudding you do have a daddy, he's just gone on a trip right now." I said.

"Where though?" She asked.

"In Antarctica." I lied.

"So why hasn't he called?" She asked, sucking her middle and ring fingers.

"Because they don't have cell phone service." I said.

"Okay. So can we go to Antarctica?" She asked playing with her curly hair.

"No CJ, we can't go to Antarctica." I said as she pouted.

"Fine, but can we go to Walmart?" She asked.

"Yea, cmon." I said taking her hand since she was already dressed.

Getting in the car, we rode to Walmart. As we got out, "Damnn shawty." A deep voice said, making me quickly turn around since they had cursed in front of my child.

"Have some respect for my daughter, with your potty mouth." I said as he smiled at me for a second.

"My bad. But your very beautiful." He said, making me roll my eyes.

"Thank you, now move outta my way." I said tryna step around him but he moved with me so I couldn't.

Balling up my fist, "Aye nah, leave lil mama alone." An extremely familiar voice said, which made my eyes get big.

Turning around, I was met with the eyes of Tray. "My bad Tray, ian know she was withcu." He said walking away.

"Chassidy get in the car." I said.

"But mommyyyy!" She whined as I glared back at her.

Getting in the car, "What's your name?" He asked staring at me hard.

"None of your business." I said grabbing the door handle, but he stopped me from getting in.

"You look really familiar." He said studying my face.

"Nope! I don't know you." I said.

"That's a very bad lie. The magazine with my face on it in the passenger seat looks like you do know me." He said yet to stop staring at me.

"Mommy!" CJ said from inside the car.

"How old are you princess?" He asked looking at Chassidy in the backseat, as she covered her face giggling.

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