Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Hayden's P.O.V*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and a migraine. The sun shining in through the window wasn't helping much either. I slowly sat up and climbed out of bed. I trudged out the door and into the bathroom. I took some Advil and then went downstairs. I was surprised to see Joey sleeping on the floor and Kristie asleep on the couch. What are they still doing here?

I shook them awake and they slowly sat up. Kristie smiled up at me, her hair a mess.

"Hey, you're up. How do you feel?" She asked.

"I have a migraine. But what are you two doing here?"
"You were completely wasted last night. We thought we'd stay over and take of Brandon if he cried. We were just trying to help."
"Uh... thank you."

"What are friends for?"
They went home to get ready fir school and I showered. I got dressed then went to get Brandon up. I dressed him and fed him. While he ate his cereal, I ate a bowl of cereal. After, I took Brandon to daycare.

When I finally made it to school, I parked and went inside. I went straight to my locker and put my books away.

"Hayden." Ashton said from behind me. I sighed and turned to face him. He had a black eye and a bruise on his cheek. "I'm sorry about last night. I hate fighting, but Drake just pushes me so far. Forgive me?"
"I thought a lot last night and I've decided to break up with you. I don't want to anything to do with you."
"So you're going to Drake? Do you really want someone like him in your life?"

"I'm not going back to Drake. I want anything to do with him either. I don't want to put up with the two of you fighting over me. I have enough stress taking care of Brandon and dealing with school. We're done Ashton, that's all I have to say. Now please leave me alone."

Ashton's P.O.V*

I can't believe she just broke up with me. I just lost her. We've only been going out for a few weeks, but I truly loved her. I reached out to touch her but quickly stopped myself. I'll only make her angry and that's the last thing I want to do. I walked away, trying not to cry. I'm guy so I'm not supposed to cry, at least not in public.

This is all Drake's fault. If only he would've let Hayden and I be. I wouldn't have turned into a different person, a bad person. I never fight with anyone, no matter what. The girl and her decisions always come first, but that stopped mattering after a while. I fought with him. I stooped to his level and because of that I've lost Hayden.

I went to Joey's locker. I need to talk to him. He might be able to help get her back in some way. I found him with Kristie. I quickly headed over to them.

"We need to talk." I said once I reached them.

"What's up?" Joey asked.

"Hayden just broke up with me. She says that Drake and I are giving her too much stress. I have to get her back. You've seen how I've changed. I've never hated a someone as much as I hate Drake. I resulted to fighting last night and I never do that. She has no idea how sorry I am."

"Did you tell her?" Kristie asked me.

"I didn't want to make her angry at me. That would only make things worse."

"I'll talk to her. A lot must be on her mind to break up with you." I gave Kristie a hug, overjoyed that she'd talk to Hayden.

"Thank you."
"No problem. Besides, she needs a guy like you around. And if I for some reason can't get her to take you back, I want you to be there for her when she needs you even if she doesn't want you there."
"I promise."

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