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"Girl, you look so tough." Hailey jokes. I look at her, trying to read her expression.

"Are you like, okay?" I ask her.

"Me? I think we need to go back to the hospital. Honey, you were the one in the accident, not me." She stretches her words.

"I think we need to get the girls over here soon. I want to tell them." Hailey nods.

"Well, they were actually supposed to be here 10 minutes ago, so," She trails off.

"What!? 10 minutes? How would you have known that I wanted them here?"

"I know you a lot better then you know you."

I click my tongue.


I walk back into the house, finding the door was left unlocked. Oops. I open the door to find Michael and Calum standing next to each other, arms crossed, and a frown on their faces.

"Hey g-" Calum raises a hand.

"We will be doing the talking here."

"Ashton, we are very disappointed in your behavior. I mean, being out so late in the night and then coming back so early in the morning?" Michael scolds. I choke back a laugh.

"And you didn't even tell us?" Calum pretends to clutch his heart in his hand.

Luke suddenly stumbles in, hair a mess. He stands in line with the other two, and lets a scowl mark his face.

If I wasn't in trouble this would've been hysterical.

"So...Who was it?" Luke asks after a moment of silence. The other boys face palm themselves. I suddenly get what they at least thought happened.

"Luke, we're still mad at Ashton." Calum explains.

"Stupid." Michael mutters.

"Well, I was going to tell you, but you know, since you lads don't care I'm just going to-"

"WAIT I WANT TO KNOW" Michael shockingly interrupts.

"I was with Devyn." I say. Their jaws might as well have hit the floor.

"That girl from the venue? From the park? Dang boy-" I cut him off.

"Not like you know, that." I say, referring to Luke's wiggling eyebrows.

"She was in a car accident with Rosy, and I let her stay the night here, seeing as she was injured."

"Boring." Luke sang.


"You never told me where you were last night. You never came home." whispered in my ear.

"I left you a voicemail. Do you ever listen to them?" I stare at her. She pats down her long, thick, blonde beach hair with her hand.

"Nope. You just, you know, talk so fast it's annoying and I really can't understand anything." She admits.

I scoff. "Well, you'll find out with the rest of the girls I suppose."

"I'll find out who you got in a fight with? Yeah?" She prompts.

I laugh. "Whatever."

As if on cue, 10 girls stumbled into our apartment, falling on top of each other.

"Woah there lil friends, do I want to ask?" Hailey says.

Without saying a word, I move to the mass dog huddle and simply lay myself across the girls, a mix of arms and legs.

"Ugh, Devyn! You need to lay off the fast food, babe!"

"It's really taking a toll."

"I can't breathe."

"Whose elbow is this?"

"No really, fatty move it or lose it!"

"Okay guys really I can't breathe. Like, I am unable to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide."

I pout my lips and wiggle my butt around.

"You guys are mean to me!" I exclaim before getting up from the pile. Hailey snorts.

"Okay so, no offense, but why are we here- Oh my God! Devyn what on earth happened to your eye?" Katy gasps.

"Who'd you get into a fight with? And what do they look like now?" Jess laughs before her tan face turns serious.

"Why does everyone think I got in a fight? I'm not that shady!" I shake my head before continuing.

"I uh, got into a wreck late last night. My car was fine, part of the window shattered though." I motion to the cut on my wrist.

I stare at the ground. "Anyway, a, erm, friend let me stay the night. The other lady was fine. She was so sweet!" I try and lighten the mood.

A few sweet smiles evoke from the group. Jess' gaze meets the ground and she grimaced.

"So, what does this mean for volleyball?" She asks in a small voice.

A silence fills the room. I shift awkwardly.

"Erm, she'll be fine. Right Dev? It's only a few cuts and bruises, and the worst is her face, and besides, Devyn is the toughest girl we know, right?" Hailey steps in. I give her a grateful smile and the other girls nod.

"Besides, the large tourney is in 2 months." Oh. That's in more time then I thought.

The girls give hugs and start shuffling out of the door.

"Goodnight babes!" I call out while they leave. They all stop in place and turn to Hailey.

"Oh my god, make sure she's

getting rest." Katie tells Hailey. I give her a confused look while Jess mutters something about goodbye and goodnight. Soon after, the door slams behind them as Hailey turns to face me.

"Are ya gonna go to back home to Minnesota? Visit your mum?" Her American-Australian accent rings out.

"Actually, I was planning on visiting aunty K and my lil cuzzies in London."

"You know, your 'lil cuzzies' can't be so small anymore. How old is Pete now?"

"Oi! He must be like, 14. My god, I haven't seem them in forever. Oh my god that means Margot is like 4!" I exclaim.

"I don't suppose you'd want to come with? I think I may book flights tomorrow and hopefully leave in a few days." I add on.

"I don't think I should. I want to go visit my big brother. See what he's been up to." Hailey twists her long blonde hair.

"Alright then. I'm going to bed. Nighty night." I yawn and she giggles.


authors note (important idk)

how would you feel if I put o2l in? only a little I mean, they wouldn't star. comment pls? I love dem boys ayee


love ya --kg

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