ch.9--death hugs

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ashtons pov

I shut the door behind the other two boys and I sit myself on the couch, legs crossed and arm dangling. Luke stands by the door and Calum joins me. Katherine is staring at her phone as if it's more important than what's about to go down.

"So, are you like dating Michael?" I blurt, not on purpose. I receive a look from Calum.

"Um, yeah? Is that like an issue or?" She snaps, looking up from her phone.

"Well, it could be if you keep up this attitude." Luke fires back. In all honesty I'm surprised at how well he's handling this. I mean I know, Mashton forever but Muke is definitely inseparable.

She gives a dumb puppy dog face, and asks confusedly, "Explain please?"

"You're not good for Michael." I blurt once again.

"Sorry. I just- Erm- Calum?" I notion.

"Music is going to come first, okay? Michael is our brother and if you're making him cry or whatever, we will not hesitate to make sure you're not a part of his life." Calum concludes.

I look at the frail, tall girl.

She wasn't pretty.

I mean, sure she had long hair, but it was thin and clearly bleached. Yeah, she was thin, but unnaturally bony. Her heels were probably bigger than Luke's ego. That's saying something.

She scoffs, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ever think he likes me more than you guys? But, it's not like I care. Whatever I'm leaving." She gets up from her spot and Luke silently moves to the side, letting her through without touching her.

"I would bet money she doesn't like America."

devs pov

Do you ever wonder, like, how on earth did I end up here?

Right now I'm in a handstand with a teddybear stuffed up my shirt, and singing Hannah Montana with the worlds supposed largest boy band. (although I'm doubting it. They cannot hit 'The Climb' just right.)

How on earth did I end up here?

We were wrapping up 'Best of both worlds' when cool hands wrapped around my waist, flipping me around, and bringing my legs around their waist.

My eyes are covered by the large hands. I feel around their face, poking around the chubby cheeks and pressing my fingers around their lips.

"Guess who." a deep voice rumbled.

"Erm, Niall?" I guess. It took me a while to remember his and Zayn's name, because I have, well, a horrible memory.

"Nope." The cheery voice responds.

I feel the top of their head and I recognize the large curls.

"Aha Harold." I say confidently.

He uncovers my eyes, revealing the grinning boy, eyes bright. I smile back at him. He notices our position, my legs wrapped around his waist and his arms supporting me. Awkward.

Yeah, I mean they were all nice, and like really freaking hot, but not my type.

Not like I have a type.

Wait do I?

I cough, so he'll get the hint. He clearly does, as I see the tips of his ears redden, but he doesn't put me down. He simply glances down at our position.

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