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Zoey's POV
"Come on, Zoey, it's time to go!" Uncle D calls and I stand up from my spot on the couch.
"I'm right here." I say and he jumps, noticing me right behind him. I laugh and face where he was. "And I'm the blind one."
"Not for much longer." Uncle D says, leading me towards the car. "My friend is one of the best doctors out there, if he can't fix your eyes, nobody can."
We are in the car for almost an hour before we get to this guys place. I get out of the car and feel my way around it to Uncle D's side. We were on sand, and there was a strong breeze. I could smell the ocean so I was assuming we were at a beach house. Otherwise there'd be a paved parking lot.
"Okay, c'mon Zoey,." Uncle D tell me before guiding me up a flight of stairs and through some doors into a building.
"So where are we? I ask and Uncle D doesn't answer.
"You are in my home, Miss. Dooley."
I jump at the voice right next to me. I hear Uncle D's laughter and punch at him. I feel my fist make contact and smile as he winces.
"So you want me to heal your eyes? Correct, Miss. Dooley?"
"Yes please, if you can. I'm getting tired of waiting for them to heal on their own." I tell him and he removes my bandages before telling me to open my eyes.
I can only see a gigantic blur, and the corners of my vision were still dark, and it was very bright.
"You probably think it's very bright in here." The man says and I nod. "It's actually very dim in here. You're eyes haven't been exposed to light for a very long time."
He spends the next hour asking me to do tests and at the end he gives me some eyedrops. It was like magic. When put them in I could see again. I had my vision back and I could almost cry.
"I used a special formula meant to go past the eyes and sooth the part of the brain that was causing the discomfort." He tells me and I nod. I could see again. The man he was young, but he was obviously a genius.
"Thank you, have a good day!" I say as we leave.
Uncle D only drops me off at the house, saying he had to go run his multi-billion dollar company.
I make my way to the door and go to open it, but I hear something behind me and immediately change into a rat.
I turn around and I see Principal Perry wobbling up and knocking on the door.
I didn't really wanna deal with her so instead I go around the corner and change into a small monkey. I've gotten used to transforming and it's been coming in super handy. Like when I'm trying to hide from Leo, I can transform into Bree or Tasha.
I monkey my way up the side of the house and in through an open window. I can see so it was easy to get through the house in monkey form. I go down to the lab and change back, but nobody was there. I look around and drink in all the details of the room. I hadn't seen it in forever. Almost two months.
Do you know what else I haven't seen in two months. Leo, Bree, Adam, and Chase. I've heard their voices, but no actual visual confirmation of their existence.
I go back upstairs and everyone's was sitting on the couch, watching a movie.
"I can see!" I exclaim and they all jump up, looking at me. Chase comes over to me and picks me up, spinning me around in a hug. I laugh and hug him back before I was passed to the next person.
After I got congratulations and everything like that I went back up to my room. I look at a stack of papers on my desk and I sigh, remembering the swim team. I guess I'm done with sports now.
The day goes on and I just sit in my room. The next day Uncle D insists I stay at home so my eyes can adjust and heal, so I end up staying in my room once again.
I could have sworn I had heard some sort of yelling from downstairs at one point, but I think I must have just been mistaken. What a boring day.


The Other Dooley 2 - Lab Rats Season 2Where stories live. Discover now