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1. Go a whole morning only saying "yes", "no" and "hello"

2. Make a time capsule.

You could try putting in a picture of yourself (someone else), a note to future self if you plan on digging it up again or a description of yourself.

3. Write a description of a friend or family member and see if they can figure out who it is.

This can be quite difficult if the person you are describing is not around so you you might have to give away lot's details.

4. Write a song.

Even if it's about something really random or is very short, if you sing it, I guess it still makes it a song right...

5. Build a fortress/hut.

Inside or outside. Grab some pillows, mattresses, blankets, teddy bears etc...

6. Play dress ups.

Grab a few friend, some dress-ups. if you want to, you can turn it into more of a game, and someone can pick topic and you would have to dress up as best as you can to it.

7. Go into a crowded elevator with a piece of chalk, draw a square and declare that this is your personal space.

8. Wear a superman costume under your school uniform or clothes and then in the middle of class, get your phone to ring (alarm) and yell "what!? I'm on my way" then rip of your clothes revealing your costume and then run out the door.

You will probably get yelled at for doing this but in the end, it will probably be worth it.

9. Go into a store, ask someone what day it is and when they answer, run out yelling "yes it worked"

10. Stand on the curb wearing a tee that says life and hand out lemon's.

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