Clint - By Myself a Chance

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Based on By Myself a Chance by the Randy Rogers Band

Tonight was bar night, a tradition for the Avengers that once a month they'd try a new bar or club. Tonight was a quaint country western bar just outside of New York. Clint sat at the bar, nursing his second beer swaying lightly to the music. That's when he saw you. You were on the dance floor looking bored beyond belief with the guy you were dancing with. Your eyes were trained on the floor making sure he wasn't gonna stand on your boots. It was pretty clear that this guy was drunk and looking for a lay for the night.

Well I've been watching you stare at the floor
That guy's got two left feet
I may be wrong but you must be bored
You look like someone who I'd like to meet  

You however, just wanted to dance, you didn't get out that much so this was your chance to let your hair down. And when the guy with his hand falling on your arse right now asked you to dance, you shrugged off any concerns and said yes. Turns out he couldn't dance to save himself and was dead keen to get into your jeans. Little did you know, someone else was seeing your disdain. Now it wasn't like you needed any help getting rid of this guy, you were just waiting for the song to finish then you were probably gonna leave for the night. Clint could see you glancing at the time when you were looking at your feet. You were gonna leave soon, but the archer didn't want you to go yet. 

I could walk over and say hello but I think I need one more drink
Looks like you might be getting ready to go
Better find some words quick now let me think  

"Ask her to dance," Natasha encouraged, gesturing to you. "Go on, I'm sure she'd rather you than that sleeze right now."

"I don't know, Nat, she's probably here with someone." 'Lucky bastard,' Clint thought bitterly. 

"Well you're not gonna find out pining after her here. You're an Avenger, you can handle a little rejection."

Clint scoffed, "Thanks for that vote of confidence right there."

"You know I can't do fake support, brutal truth is all you're gonna get from me." Natasha turned back to her conversation with Tony and Steve, leaving Clint to contemplate his next move. 

The chances of him ever seeing you again were slim, what did he have to lose?

Well if things don't work out by the next song
And you're looking for someone who can dance
I'll be right over there by the juke box, a quarter in my hand
Trying to buy myself a chance

Saw my reflection in an empty glass so I rehearse my lines
Say I ain't looking for trouble, I know you came in here with him tonight  

Clint downed the rest of his beer and tried to think of a line, but nothing seemed to be good enough. He shifted nervously on the stool and felt something roll in his jacket pocket. His fingers found a few stray coins and his eyes found the old juke box in the far corner. Clint stood up and weaved through the crowd as the song was starting to end, glancing back to see where you were. He slipped a coin into the machine and flicked through a few songs til he found one that sounded good. Then he went to find you.

Well if things don't work out by the next song
And you're looking for someone who can dance
I'll be right over there by the juke box with a quarter in my hand
Trying to buy myself a chance 

You had successfully ditched your failure of a dance partner and pushed your h/c hair out of your face. Then you heard it, the first few notes of your favourite song spill from the speakers. You were torn, you were going to leave and call it a night before another drunk made an advance at you, but god knows you loved this song. You were drawn from your internal debate by someone tapping your arm.

Well here goes nothing I hope for something
I'm walking now across the floor
I cross my fingers, I tap your shoulder and I say I've never done this before   

Let's just say you weren't prepared for who you'd find behind you. You half expected it to be some sleeze or drunk more interested in grinding than actual dancing. Well the guy behind you was nothing short of gorgeous; pale, blue eyes, dark blond hair and a hell of a physique. Well damn son.

"Uh, listen I've never done this before, but uh did you maybe, I dunno... Wanna dance? With me?" Clint was beyond nervous. You were way more beautiful up close, your bright e/c eyes were shinning in the dim light making his mind turned to mush. "It's ok, I get if you're here with someone else, but I threw the song on nd thought maybe... Well ya can't blame a guy for wanting to dance with a gorgeous woman like you."

But if things don't work out by the next song
And you're looking for someone who can dance
I'll be right over there by the juke box 

Clint turned around, taking your silence as a rejection, he headed for the bar thinking a beer would compensate the sting. Then a voice stopped him, and damn it was sweet.

"Hey, handsome!"

Clint turned to see you holding your hand out to him and a crooked grin on your face.

"Dance with me?" 

But if things don't work out by the next song
And you're looking for someone who can dance
I'll be right over there by the jukebox, quarter in my hand
Trying to buy myself a chance 

Sooooo I got bored. This is to purely amuse me while I work on my other stories so I'm not taking requests for the moment. Updates will be pretty irregular but oh well, enjoy that's pretty much what it's for, comment if you like. Stay awesome ya'll! 

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